Figure 1.
Human default mode network component and awake marmoset ICA components. (A) Right cortical surface of the marmoset, (top) lateral side, (bottom) medial side. Awake resting-state marmoset ICA component-A, selected from 30 components, mapped onto the brain surface. Z-score range is 2 to 15 for positive, −2 to −15 for negative. (B) Right cortical surface of the human brain. Human resting-state default mode network is mapped onto the surface. Z-score range is 2 to 10 for positive, −2 to −10 for negative. (C) Right cortical surface of the marmoset brain. Awake resting-state marmoset ICA component-B, mapped onto the brain surface. (D) Horizontal views (top left, right and bottom left) and a sagittal view (bottom right) of awake marmoset ICA component-A. Scale bar shows 0.5 cm. Z-score range is from 2 to 15. (E) Horizontal views (top left, right and bottom left) and a sagittal view (bottom right) of human resting-state default mode network component. Z-score range is from 2 to 10. Scale bar shows 1 cm. (F) Horizontal views (top left, right and bottom left) and a sagittal view (bottom right) of awake marmoset ICA component-B. Cau, Caudate; Put, putamen; Hip, hippocampus; Amy, amygdala; SC, superior colliculus; Anc, thalamus anterior nuclear complex; LD, laterodorsal; MD, mediodorsal; VA, ventral anterior; VL, ventral lateral; VP, ventral posterior; Pul, pulvinar; DLG, lateral geniculate.