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. 2023 Oct 25;12(1):419–429. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3755


Exploring the factors affecting WDD through binomial logit regression (n = 1978).

WDD (ref = low) COR (SE) Sig 95% Confidence Interval AOR (SE) Sig 95% Confidence Interval
Mothers' age 1.044 (0.01) *** 1.025, 1.064 1.003 (0.012) 0.98, 1.026
Mothers' education 1.129 (0.015) *** 1.099, 1.16 0.995 (0.02) 0.956, 1.036
Household size 1.018 (0.043) 0.936, 1.106 1.013 (0.048) 0.923, 1.112
No. of ANCs 1.168 (0.033) *** 1.104, 1.235 1.015 (0.041) 0.938, 1.097
Mothers' employment status (ref = not‐employed)
Employed 0.988 (0.105) 0.802, 1.217 1.015 (0.121) 0.804, 1.282
Mothers' nutrition knowledge (ref = low)
Medium 2.137 (0.332) *** 1.576, 2.898 1.27 (0.219) 0.906, 1.781
Highest 5.284 (0.778) *** 3.959, 7.051 2.309 (0.414) *** 1.624, 3.281
Wealth index (ref = lowest)
Second 1.824 (0.441) ** 1.136, 2.929 1.433 (0.363) 0.872, 2.353
Middle 5.35 (1.156) *** 3.503, 8.17 2.626 (0.678) *** 1.583, 4.356
Fourth 6.445 (1.359) *** 4.263, 9.744 2.623 (0.718) *** 1.535, 4.484
Highest 6.759 (1.49) *** 4.388, 10.413 2.626 (0.757) *** 1.492, 4.621
Supportive attitude and behavior of husband to wife (ref = no)
Yes 1.889 (0.203) *** 1.53, 2.331 1.122 (0.137) 0.883, 1.424
Dietary counseling with doctors or professional health workers (ref = no)
Yes 2.128 (0.427) *** 1.436, 3.153 1.861 (0.429) *** 1.185, 2.923
Access to and control over resources (ref = no)
Yes 4.353 (0.497) *** 3.48, 5.446 2.392 (0.321) *** 1.839, 3.112
Constant 0.067 (0.035) *** 0.024, 0.188
Pseudo r 2 0.124
Chi‐square 233.018
Prob > χ 2 0.000

Note: ***p < .01; **p < .05; *p < .1.

Abbreviations: AOR, Adjusted Odds Ratio; COR, Crude Odds Ratio.