8-azaN-containing duplex inhibits 5-HT2C and NEIL1 editing by ADAR1. (A) Inhibition of ADAR1 p110 by H16 8-azaN tested on two different editing substrates, 5-HT2C (left) and NEIL1 (right). (B) Inhibition of ADAR1 p150 by H16 8-azaN tested on 5-HT2C. In vitro deaminations were performed at the following conditions: 0 – 3 μM H16 8-azaN or A/G control, 100 nM ADAR1 p110 or p150, 5 nM substrate, 15 min (for 5-HT2C) or 30 min (for NEIL1), at 30 °C. Error bars represent standard deviation from n ≥ 3 technical replicates.