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. 2022 Apr 4;25(11):2053–2072. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2056910

Table 2.

Relationship between opposition to social policies, ideology, social policy participation, individual characteristics, and burden tolerance.

Work Requirements
Too Easy to Receive Benefits
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
  β SE β SE β SE β SE
H1: Opposition to social policy
(ref: Too little support for the poor)
Right amount of support .62** (.10) a1.13** (.16)
b-.10 (.15)
-c.64** (.18)
Too much support a1.11** (.38) a1.35** (.22)
b.62** (.23) b.41* (.17)
c.30 (36) c.05 (.23)
H2: Ideology (ref: Liberal)                
Moderate .69** (.11) .63** (.11)
Conservative .92** (.12) 1.16** (.11)
H3: Social policy participation
(ref: never participated)
Previous participation −.11 (.11) −.04 (.11) −.44** .10) −.40** (.11)
Current participation −.43** (.11) −.27* (.11) −.65** (.11) −.44** (.12)
H4: Failed to renew vehicle registration/unopened mail (ref: none)                
Done one −.15 (.09) −.13 (.10) −.10 (.09) −.05 (.10)
Done both .06 (.17) .05 (.19) .13 (.17) .16 (.17)
H4: Administrative literacy −.13 (.10) −.12 (.10) −.11 (.10) −.08 (.10)
Observations 3,022

Models are estimated using partial proportional odds models. For variables that violate the parallel lines assumption: a Coefficient for strongly disagree compared to strongly agree (ref), b Coefficient for somewhat disagree compared to coefficient a, c Coefficient for somewhat agree compared to coefficient a. Model 2 includes while Model 1 excludes controls for ideology and opposition to social program. The full regression model including all covariates is available in the appendix Table A3

**p < 0.01, * p < 0.05.