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. 2023 Dec 29;5(1):102803. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102803

AF750 anti-mouse CD45 (30-F11), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#103128; RRID: AB_493715
APC anti-mouse F4/80 (BM8), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#123116; RRID: AB_893481
BUV395 anti-mouse CD11b (M1/70), dilution (1:200) BD Biosciences Cat#563553; RRID: AB_2738276
BUV496 anti-mouse CD4 (GK1.5), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#612952; RRID: AB_2813886
BV421 anti-mouse CD19 (6D5), dilution (1:400) BioLegend Cat#115538; RRID: AB_11203527
BV510 anti-mouse CD8a (53-6.7), dilution (1:100) BioLegend Cat#107520
BV605 anti-mouse NK1.1 (PK136), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#141721; RRID: AB_2562273
BV650 anti-mouse IA/IE (M5/114.15.2), dilution (1:300) BioLegend Cat#108739; RRID: AB_2565975
BV785 anti-mouse TCRb (H57-597), dilution (1:100) BioLegend Cat#107641; RRID: AB_2810347
FITC anti-mouse Ly6C (1A8), dilution (1:100) BioLegend Cat#151211; RRID: AB_1186135
PECy7 anti-mouse CD11c (N418), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#119703; RRID: AB_493568
PE-eFluor 610 anti-mouse FOXP3 (FJK-16S), dilution (1:200) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#124227; RRID: AB_2574624
PerCP/Cy5.5 anti-mouse Ly6G (PK136), dilution (1:200) BioLegend Cat#505821; RRID: AB_1877271
PromoFluor-840 maleimide, dilution (1:10,000) AAT Bioquest Cat#1402

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Cell culture water Sigma-Aldrich Cat#W3500-500ML
DPBS (with calcium, magnesium, glucose, pyruvate) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#14287080
Fetal bovine serum (FBS) Gibco Cat#10270106
RPMI medium Gibco Cat#61870-010
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10.000 U/mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#15140122
EDTA, 0.5 M sterile solution, pH 8.0 VWR Cat#E177-100ML
FcR Block BD Biosciences Cat#553141
Percoll stock solution Sigma-Aldrich Cat#GE17-0891-01
Scalpel Salunatur #Cat0210
Ophthalmic “lipolac” Bausch + Lomb #Cat764118.6
Ketamidor (ketamine) Richter Pharma N/A
Rompun (xylazine) Bayer N/A
Buprenorphine Acofarma #Cat961425
Antisedan Pfizer #CatPF61
Hystoacryl B. Braun #Cat10520010

Critical commercial assays

Foxp3/transcription factor staining buffer eBioscience Cat#00-5523-00

Experimental models: Cell lines

Murine DIPG: NP53 Laboratory of Dr. Oren Becher N/A
Murine DIPG: XFM Laboratory of Dr. Oren Becher N/A

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: NP53 fl/fl (NTV-a p53floxed); age: 4 weeks; gender: male and female (1:1) Laboratory of Dr. Oren Becher N/A
Mouse: BALB/cJ; strain #:000651; age: 4 weeks; gender: male and female (1:1) The Jackson Laboratory Strain #:000651

Software and algorithms

FlowJo 10.8.1 BD Biosciences N/A
Prism software 9.3.1 GraphPad by Domatics N/A


Bolts (guide-screw system) Plastics One #CatC212SG
Hamilton syringe Thermo Fisher Scientific #Cat87900
PHD 2000 infusion syringe pump multiple syringe holder Harvard Apparatus #CatHPHD2000IWMSRR
1 mm diameter drill bit Plastics One drill HSS #Cat8J60
Screwdriver Plastics One N/A
96-well clear V-bottom sterile microplate Corning Cat#P-96-450V-C
Cell strainer, pore size 70 mm Sarstedt Cat#83.3945.070
5 mL round bottom polystyrene tubes (FACS tubes) Corning Cat#352054
50 mL Falcon tubes Sarstedt Cat#62547004
15 mL Falcon tubes Sarstedt Cat#430791
gentleMACS C tubes Miltenyi Cat#130-093-237
gentleMACS Octo dissociator with heaters Miltenyi Cat#130-096-427
MACSmix tube rotator Miltenyi Cat#130-090-753
CytoFLEX LX Beckman Coulter N/A