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. 2024 Jan 23;15:680. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44178-y

Fig. 1. Tissue DEL-1 expression is elevated in neonatal age.

Fig. 1

a DEL-1 relative mRNA expression in different tissues of healthy C57BL/6 neonate mice (4 days old) (expression of DEL-1 in the intestine was set as 1) (n = 5 animals per group in heart, liver and kidney and n = 6 animals per group for the rest of the groups). b DEL-1 relative mRNA expression in tissues from healthy C57BL/6 mice of adult (8–10weeks) or neonatal age (4 days old) (expression of DEL-1 in each tissue of adult mice was set as 1) (n = 5 animals per group in adult and neonatal kidney groups, n = 4 animals per group in adult and neonatal intestine groups, n = 8 animals per in adult and neonatal lung group and n = 4 animals per group on adult and neonatal brain tissue groups). DEL-1 relative mRNA expression in the c lung (n = 5 animals per group in adult and 1d, 14d and 21d neonate groups, n = 4 animal in 7d neonate group), d intestine (n = 5 animals per group in adult and 1d, 7d, and 14d neonate groups, n = 4 animal in 21d neonate group) and e kidney tissue (n = 5 animals per group in adult and 1d, 14d, and 21d neonate groups, n = 4 animal in 7d neonate group), from healthy C57BL/6 adult mice and healthy neonate mice of 1, 7, 14 or 21 days of postnatal age (the expression of DEL-1 in each adult tissue was set as 1). Statistical analysis by two-sided unpaired t test (b) and Kruskal Wallis with Dunn’s multiple comparison post-test (ce). Mean ± SD (a, b) and median ± interquartile range (ce) are depicted. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Ad adults, Neo neonates, d days.