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. 2024 Jan 23;15:680. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44178-y

Fig. 9. IL-10 promotes DEL-1 expression in neonatal sepsis.

Fig. 9

Protein expression of (a) TNF (n = 6 animals in adult control, n = 5 animals in adult sepsis, n = 8 animals in neonate control and n = 8 animals in neonate sepsis group), b IL-17A (n = 7 animals in adult control, n = 9 animals in adult sepsis, n = 5 animas in neonate control and n = 7 animals in neonate sepsis group), c IL-6 (n = 7 animals in adult control, n = 6 animals in adult sepsis, n = 5 animals in neonate control and n = 18 animals in neonate sepsis group) and d IL-10 (n = 6 in adult control, n = 8 in adult sepsis, n = 7 in neonate control and n = 13 in neonate sepsis group) protein expression in serum of C57BL/6 neonate and adult mice 6 hours after exposure to cecal slurry (CS)–induced sepsis. e DEL-1 mRNA relative expression in HUVECs at several time points upon stimulation with human recombinant IL-10 or IL-6 protein (expression of DEL-1 in control group was set as 1) (n = 5 biological replicates in control, n = 4 biological replicates in IL-10 4 h, n = 6 biological replicates in IL-10 24 h, n = 8 biological replicates in IL-6 4 h group and n = 7 biological replicates in IL-6 24 h group). f DEL-1 mRNA relative expression in Ea.hy926 endothelial cells upon stimulation with human recombinant IL-17, IL-10 or both, for 4 hours (expression of DEL-1 in control group was set as 1) (n = 10 biological replicates in control, n = 10 biological replicates in IL-10, n = 8 biological replicates in IL-17 and n = 12 biological replicates in IL-10 and IL-17 group). g Tissue (lung, kidney and intestine) IL-10 to IL-17A mRNA ratio in C57BL/6 neonate and adult mice exposed to CS sepsis (6 hours) (n = 5 animals per group in adult and neonatal lung groups, n = 4 animals in adult and n = 6 animals in neonatal kidney groups, n = 4 animals in adult and n = 6 animals in neonatal intestine groups and n = 4 animals per group on adult and neonatal brain tissue groups). h Median human DEL-1 protein in the serum of septic adults and neonates that exhibited either low (<2) or high (≥2) serum IL-10 to IL-17 ratio (n = 17 adults in ≤2 group, n = 24 adults in ≥2 group, n = 16 neonates in ≤2 group, and n = 8 neonates ≥2 group). i DEL-1 mRNA relative expression in human mesenchymal stromal cells upon 4 hours of IL-10 stimulation (expression of DEL-1 in control group was set as 1) (n = 4 biological replicates per group). j DEL-1 mRNA expression in murine bone marrow of wild type (WT) neonate mice that received either i.v anti-IL-10R (anti-IL-10 receptor) or IgG (expression of DEL-1 in control group was set as 1) and subjected to CS-induced sepsis (12 hours) (n = 6 animals in control, n = 8 animals in septic IgG group and n = 6 animals in septic a-IL-10R group). k Total neutrophils in bone marrow of WT neonate mice (left panel) and Del1−/− neonate mice (right panel) that received either i.v. anti-IL-10R or IgG and subjected to CS-induced sepsis (12 hours) (n = 5 animals in IgG WT, n = 4 animals in a-IL-10R WT n = 4 animals in IgG Del1−/− group and n = 4 animals in septic a-IL-10R Del1−/− group), l Bacterial colony forming units (cfu) in the blood of WT neonate septic mice that received i.v. either anti-IL-10R or IgG (n = 5 animals in septic IgG group and n = 5 in septic anti-IL-10R group) and m, survival in WT neonate septic mice that received i.v. either anti-IL-10R or IgG and subjected to CS-induced sepsis (n = 21 animals in septic IgG group and n = 16 animals in septic a-IL-10R group). Mean ± SD (ag, ik), median ± interquartile range (h) and frequency % (m) are depicted. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison post-test (ae, j), two-sided Mann-Whitney test (h) unpaired two-sided t test (f, g, i, k, l) and Fisher’s exact test (m). Source data are provided as a Source Data file. Ctl control, Ad adults, Neo neonates, h hours.