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. 2024 Jan 23;14:1953. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-51260-y

Table 2.

Residues of Sho-Stl protein that differ from the corresponding Sa-Stl residues within the Sa-Stl: human dUTPase complex interface based on crystal structure (PDB ID: 7PWJ).

hDUT Sa-Stl Sho-Stl
Residue-atom Residue-atom Type of interaction with hDUT Corresponding residue Potential interaction with hDUT
I119-Cγ2 E59-Cδ vdW N53
F135-Cβ I67-Cγ2 vdW L61 Possible
F135-Cε P68-Cδ vdW S62 Possible
28Y-OH R74-NH1 H-bond K68 Possible

133G-C and


S99- Cβ vdW N91 Potential steric clash
D127-Oδ1 N107-Oδ1 H-bond K99* Potential steric clash
G131-O N107-Nδ2 H-bond K99*
G87-O Y113-OH H-bond F105*
G87-N Y113-OH H-bond F105*

*Residue mutated in Sho-Stl-NDY construct.