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. 2024 Jan 23;14:2013. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-51878-y

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of participants and distribution across IR.

N = 3416
N = 3318
P value
Age (years) 47.86 ± 17.65 51.25 ± 16.97 < 0.001
HB (g/dL) 13.97 ± 1.51 14.14 ± 1.55 < 0.001
HBA1C (%) 5.48 ± 0.67 6.15 ± 1.44 < 0.001
FBG (mmol/L) 5.42 ± 0.90 6.76 ± 2.54 < 0.001
Sex (%) 0.178
 Female 51.61 49.97
 Male 48.39 50.03
Race (%) < 0.001
 Hispanic American 21.14 28.96
 Non-Hispanic White 41.80 36.65
 Non-Hispanic Black 19.50 21.01
 Non-Hispanic Asian 15.02 10.43
 Other/multi-racial 2.55 2.95
Edu (%) < 0.001
 < 12th grade 20.73 25.17
 High school graduate 21.05 21.94
 Some college/AA degree 28.34 30.86
 College graduate or above 29.86 21.97
PIR (%) < 0.001
 < 1.3 31.67 34.27
 1.3–4.9 49.15 51.21
 ≥ 5 19.17 14.53
Marriagea (%) < 0.001
 Married 50.91 53.53
 Widowed 6.70 7.72
 Divorced/separated 13.09 14.38
 Never married 20.43 16.82
 Living with partner 8.84 7.54
Drinking status (%) < 0.001
 No 25.73 30.38
 Yes 74.27 69.62
Smoking status (%) 0.832
 No 56.79 56.06
 Yes 43.09 43.82
BMIb (kg/m2) (%) < 0.001
 < 25 47.83 10.52
 25–29.9 34.78 29.60
 ≥ 30 16.51 58.86
Hypertension (%) < 0.001
 No 75.29 62.75
 Yes 22.10 34.54
Diabetes mellitus (%) 0.00 0.00 < 0.001
 No 89.08 64.17
 Yes 10.89 35.81
Hypoglycemic drugs (%) < 0.001
 No 93.44 80.29
 Yes 6.56 19.71
Hyperlipemia (%) < 0.001
 No 46.87 28.51
 Yes 53.13 71.46
Liver disease (%) < 0.001
 No 96.75 94.06
 Yes 3.19 5.79
Renal failure (%) 0.347
 No 96.49 95.81
 Yes 3.43 4.07
CHF (%) < 0.001
 No 97.31 95.36
 Yes 2.61 4.52
CHD (%) < 0.001
 No 96.83 94.61
 Yes 2.93 4.94
Stroke (%) 0.00 0.00 0.053
 No 96.84 95.78
 Yes 3.07 4.16
Cancer (%) 0.026
 No 91.92 90.05
 Yes 8.05 9.89
Abdominal obesity (AO, %) < 0.001
 No 63.88 22.97
 Yes 36.12 77.03
SII (%) < 0.001
 Q1 27.17 22.39
 Q2 26.43 24.47
 Q3 24.50 25.26
 Q4 21.90 27.88

HB hemoglobin, HBA1C glycosylated hemoglobin, FBG fasting glucose (mmol/L), Edu educational level, PIR ratio of family income to poverty level, BMI body mass index, CHF chronic heart failure, CHD coronary heart disease, SII systemic immunity-inflammation index.

aMarital status as of the time of inspection.

bBMI was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (kg/m2).