Representative histopathological photomicrographs of hematoxylin-stained cross-sections of rat seminal vesicles. Control group (A1, X40 and A2, X400), co-enzyme Q10-treated group (B1, X100 and B2, X400), corn oil-treated group (C1, X100 and C2, X400), titanium dioxide nanoparticles-exposed group (D1, X100 and D2, X400), cadmium-exposed group (E1, X100 and E2, X400), titanium dioxide nanoparticles and cadmium co-exposed group (F1, X100 and F2, X400), and titanium dioxide nanoparticles and cadmium co-exposed group treated with co-enzyme Q10 (G1, X100 and G2, X400). Blood vessels (BV), branched mucosal folds (arrows), edema (E), epithelial lining (red arrows), fibro-muscular layer (FM), lumen (L), monocellular inflammatory cells (arrowheads), and mucosal folds (arrows). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)