Questionnaire |
1. Age |
16-25 years |
26-45 years |
46-65 years |
2. Gender |
Male |
Female |
3. Social status |
Single |
Married |
Divorced |
Widowed |
4. Educational level |
Illiterate |
Primary school |
Intermediate school |
High school |
Bachelor’s degree |
Others |
5. Family income |
Below 5000 |
Between 5000 and 10000 |
More than 10000 |
6. Field of study or work |
Medical field |
Non-medical field |
7. Residence |
Riyadh |
Mecca |
Medina |
Qassim |
Eastern region |
Asir |
Tabuk |
Hail |
Northern borders |
Jazan |
Najran |
Al-Baha |
Al Jouf |
Others |
8. Nationality |
Saudi |
Non-Saudi |
9. Have you heard about antibiotic resistance? |
Yes |
No |
10. Cause of antimicrobial resistance |
Taking antibiotics when there is no need for it |
Not finishing the prescribed antibiotic course |
I don’t know |
11. Antibiotic resistance means the ability of bacteria to develop mechanisms that make them resistant to the effect of antibiotics |
Yes |
No |
I don't know |
12. Do you use antibiotics as a preventive method for diseases? |
Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
13. Do you store antibiotics at home and use them when it is needed? |
Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
14. Do you take antibiotics on time as the doctor’s prescription? |
Never |
Sometimes |
Often |
Always |
15. How many times do you use antibiotics? |
More than once in a month |
Once every 2-4 months |
Once every 5-8 months |
Once in a year |
Rarely |
16. Source of antibiotic prescription |
The doctor |
The pharmacist |
Self-prescription |
Family members or relatives |
17. Cause of using antibiotics |
Viral infections |
Bacterial infections |
Cough |
Common cold |
Tiredness |
Sore throat |
Toothache |
18. When do you stop taking antibiotics? |
After completing the course |
After feeling better |
I don’t know |