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. 2024 Jan 17;11(1):e002433. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2023-002433

Table 1.

Participant demographics

Item Response options N %
Which describes you best? Male 153 77
Female 43 22
Non-binary 1 1
Blank 1 1
What is your age group? 18–24 1 1
25–34 24 12
35–44 65 33
45–54 50 25
55–64 33 17
65 or older 24 12
Blank 1 1
Do you self-identify as having a disability? Yes 3 2
No 192 97
Prefer not to say 2 1
Blank 1 1
Do you identify as being part of a visible minority group? Yes 25 13
No 165 83
Prefer not to say 4 2
Blank 4 2
Do you currently identify as a caregiver (ie, parenting kids under 18, caring for elderly relatives)? Yes 95 48
No 98 49
Prefer not to say 1 1
Blank 4 2
Where are you located? North America 97 49
Asia 11 6
South America 7 4
Europe 72 36
Australasia 9 5
Africa 1 1
Blank 1 1
Which of the following describes you best? Faculty member/primary investigator 152 77
Postdoctoral fellow 13 7
Graduate student 9 5
Scientist in third sector (eg, non-governmental organisation, non-profit) 2 1
Research support staff (eg, research manager, research associate, technician) 6 3
Scientist in industry 3 2
Government scientist 6 3
Other 6 3
Blank 1 1
Which of the following best describes your primary research area? Clinical research 127 64
Health systems research 13 7
Epidemiological research 15 8
Preclinical research – in vivo 23 12
Methods research 6 3
Preclinical research – in vitro 6 3
Other 7 4
Blank 1 1
Is cardiovascular research your main area of research? Yes 178 90
No 20 10