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. 2024 Jan 17;11(1):e002433. doi: 10.1136/openhrt-2023-002433

Table 5.

Barriers to open science

Barrier N %
Open access publishing
 The journals in my area do not use an open access publishing model 15 8
 I do not know how to self-archive a paper to make it open access 24 12
 I do not see the benefit of making an article open access 15 8
 I do not think my institution values me doing this 40 20
 I do not have funding to support the article processing charges that are common at open access journals 149 75
 I do not perceive any of the above as issues to publish open access 20 10
 Other 21 11
 I do not really know how to make a preprint 52 26
 I do not have time to make preprints 35 18
 I worry making a preprint will reduce my chances of the work being accepted at a peer reviewed journal 73 37
 I do not see the benefit in making a preprint 71 36
 I do not think my institution values me making a preprint 55 28
 I think there are potential harms associated with sharing work that has not been peer reviewed 91 46
 My institution has an internal process for posting preprints that makes the process very time consuming 7 4
 Other 13 7
Data sharing
 I do not know how to prepare my data appropriately for sharing 45 23
 I do not have time to prepare my data for sharing 59 30
 I do not know where to share my data 44 22
 I do not feel I will get recognition for sharing my data 65 33
 My institutional ethics board will not allow me to share my data 58 29
 My research consent form specifies I will not share the data 48 24
 I am concerned about patient privacy if I share my data 72 36
 Concerns about intellectual property control 94 47
 Concerns about being scooped 56 28
 Concerns about unintended use of secondary data 88 44
 Concerns about misinterpretation of the data 75 38
 Concerns others may discover errors in the data 15 8
 Other 23 12
Materials sharing
 I do not know how to prepare my study materials for sharing 38 19
 I do not have time to prepare my study materials for sharing 43 22
 I do not know where to share my study materials 46 23
 I do not think there is value for others in me sharing my study materials 21 11
 There is no appropriate infrastructure available for me to share my study materials 49 25
 The costs to share my study materials are a barrier 41 21
 I do not feel I will get recognition for sharing my study materials 51 26
 My institutional ethics board will not allow me to share my study materials 26 13
 I am concerned about patient privacy if I share my study materials 35 18
 Concerns about intellectual property control 63 32
 Concerns about being scooped 35 18
 Concerns about unintended use of materials 54 27
 Concerns about misinterpretation of the materials 40 20
 There are not any trained staff to guide me about it 21 11
 Other 20 10
Protocol registration
 I do not know how to create a study registration 13 7
 I do not know what platform to use to register my study 24 12
 I do not have time to register my studies 33 17
 I do not feel I will get recognition for taking the time to register my studies 24 12
 I do not think that my institution prioritises study registration 24 12
 I worry that I will be scooped if I share my study plan before publishing results 22 11
 I do not think there is value for others in me registering my studies 18 9
 I do not think my research area lends itself well to registering protocols 20 10
 Other 23 12
Reporting guidelines
 I do not know where to find the relevant reporting guideline 23 12
 I do not know how to use reporting guidelines 17 9
 I do not have time to use reporting guidelines 23 12
 I do not see the value in using reporting guidelines 21 11
 I do not feel I will get recognition for taking the time to user reporting guidelines 27 14
 I do not think my institution prioritises the use of reporting guidelines 17 9
 Other 35 18
Patient and public involvement
 I do not know how to identify patients/public members to contribute 33 17
 I do not know how to incorporate patients/public members in my research 48 24
 I do not have time to incorporate patients/public members in my research 30 15
 I do not see the value in incorporating patients/public members in my research 20 10
 I do not feel I will get recognition for taking the time to incorporate patients/public members in my research 28 14
 I do not think my institution prioritises incorporating patients/public members in my research 23 12
 Other 35 18