Fig. 5.
Transcripts involved in neuronal development and morphology are enriched in SC and fetal β-cells, see also Fig, S7, Fig. S8, & Table S6. a Bar chart indicating gene ontology: cellular component enrichment scoring of differentially expressed genes between SC-β and adult-β cells. b Bar chart indicating gene ontology: biological process enrichment scoring of differentially expressed genes between SC-β and adult-β cells. c Dotplot indicating expression level of genes associated with insulin granule exocytosis. d Panel of violin plots indicating expression level of genes (>1 log2FC of SC vs adult β) associated with various neuronal traits between SC, SC-TXP, adult, and fetal β-cells. e RT-qPCR of SC-islets (n=6) at s6d7 and human cadaveric islets (n=6) indicating fold change (FC) expression relative to TBP. All data are represented as the mean, and all error bars represent the s.e.m. Individual data points are shown for all bar graphs. ns, not significant; *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01