Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) |
excel in optimizing problems involving nonlinear relationships among variables
performance and problem optimization are optimized in an adaptable way through learning
able to generalize data never before seen by them and use this for optimization
convenient for handling huge amounts of data
allow for massive parallelization of computing
indispensable in accurately approximating functions with any arbitrary continuous relationship
suffer from lack of transparency (black box nature)
difficult tuning of hyperparameters (number of layers and nodes, learning rate, etc.)
need huge amounts of data for accurate training
computationally demanding
prone to overfitting (may fail to generalize well for new datasets and search spaces)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) |
well suited for image-related optimization tasks and sequential data with spatial hierarchies
able to recognize patterns regardless of their position in an image (translation invariance)
automatic recognition and extraction of features during optimization
offers transfer learning (using training in one search space for another)
lower risk of overfitting thanks to parameter sharing across spatial dimensions
need huge amounts of data for accurate training
computationally demanding
suffer from lack of transparency (black box nature)
•minuscule perturbations of the input data can result in incorrect predictions
vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which negatively reflects on security and robustness