Ectopic cambia |
Vascular development where de novo cambia arise from dedifferentiation/redifferentiation of parenchyma cells generating multiple cambia nested in the same organ; a category of vascular variants (Cunha Neto, 2023). |
Fissured vascular cylinder |
Also called fissured stem; describes instances where differential cambial activity generates phloem wedges followed by disruption of the cambium continuity and dissection of vascular tissues; a type of cambial variant. |
Phloem wedges |
Defined as sectors of the cambium with increased production of secondary phloem and decreased amount of secondary xylem; a type of cambial variant. |
Stem splitting |
Describes the entire woody stem separating longitudinally into individual units, each unit comprising pith, secondary xylem, cambium, secondary phloem and periderm. |
Typical growth |
Stem development derived from a typical eustele and a single, bifacial cambium generating vascular tissue at homogeneous rates. |