Figure 2.
NanoDSF thermal unfolding curve for DsbB in a dark nanodisc. (A) The F350/F330 thermal unfolding curve for DsbB reconstituted in a dark nanodisc model membrane system (violet). The thermal unfolding curve for empty dark nanodiscs is shown in gray. (B) The first derivative plot of the F350/F330 ratio with respect to temperature for DsbB in a nanodisc. The inflection points correspond to Tm values of 70.5 ± 0.3°C and 77.5 ± 0.1°C, respectively. All samples were run in triplicate for three independent preparations and the average is plotted. (C) Representative SDS-PAGE gel after size exclusion to showcase the successful reconstitution of DsbB in a dark nanodisc.