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. 2023 Dec 18;625(7996):722–727. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06769-z

Extended Data Fig. 10. Main results with neoclassical production function.

Extended Data Fig. 10

Replication of the main results using a standard neoclassical production function, equation (18), assuming b = 0. Upper, trajectories of the annual change in market and non-market benefits are shown for 57 regions in ‘Green’ RICE50+ using b = 0 in the production function. Error bars show the standard errors of the estimated damage functions under different GCM outputs. Dashed lines show the population-weighted mean values in 2100. Population-weighted GDP change in 2100: −0.17, an order of magnitude lower than the preferred estimates for b. Lower, distribution of impacts in 2100; the pattern of the distributional burden of impacts remains.

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