Physiological compression–expansion
cycles for Alveofact
and vaping chemicals. Results from CSD cycles run at up to 20 cycles
per minute for 2 min. (A) Alveofact alone, first and last γ–A iso-cycles. (B) Alveofact with BA, first and last γ–A iso-cycles. (C) Alveofact with BPGA, first and last γ–A iso-cycles. BA and BPGA were added in a 1:10 molar ratio
to the major surfactant lipids. (D) Comparison of mean γmin of the first and last 5 cycles for each condition. (E)
Temporal evolution of γmin over all cycles for each
condition. Alveofact alone is fitted to a monoexponential decay curve.
Alveofact–BA and Alveofact–BPGA are fitted to biexponential
decay curves. (F) Global compressibility of the first and last cycles
relative to the first cycle of Alveofact. (G) Mean hysteresis of the
first three and last three cycles, relative to the first three cycles
for Alveofact. Three independent replicates for each condition. Significance
values represent results from a two-way ANOVA; “ns”:
not significant (p > 0.05), *p <
0.05, **p < 0.01.