A, Schematic diagram showing the isolation of blood monocyte derived mϕ using MCSF and priming them to pro-inflammatory state using LPS and INFγ. B, Schematic diagram showing the experimental design to test the significance of and diaexosomes in human chronic wound fluid on mϕ. C, Live-cell confocal images showing compromised uptake of and diaexosomes by day 6 mϕ . Scale, 10 μm. and diaexosomes were stained with DiD before imaging. Indicate movies in the supplement. D, Zeta potentials of and diaexosomes at physiological pH (pH-7.4). Each grey dot corresponds to one technical replicate, and the blue and red dots correspond to the mean of each biological replicates. (n=4). E, Representative immunofluorescence staining of F 4–80 (red) in mϕ () with either iNOS (green, pro-inflammatory mϕ marker) or Arginase (green pro-resolution mϕ marker) with DAPI counterstaining at day 7. Scale, 10 μm. F-G, Quantification of Arginase intensity (F) and the ratio of Arginase to iNOS intensity (G) in at day 7. H-K, Quantitative abundance of CXCL5 (H), IL-18 (I), VEGF (J), and TIM3 (K) in mϕ conditioned media exposed to either or diaexosomes for 7 days. L, Schematic diagram showing the experimental set up for mϕ recruitment assay. M, mϕ recruitment in response to the conditioned media exposed to either or diaexosomes for 7 days. Data in D, F, G, H, I, J, K and M were shown as mean ± SEM and analyzed by Student’s t-test. Figure A and B were created with BioRender.com.