Table 1.
Regulation of FASN expression and activity.
Protein, inhibitor or ncRNA | Target | Effect on FASN | Mechanism and biology function | Reference |
MBTPS2 | SREBP | Upregulate | Upregulates FASN expression and promotes lipogenesis synthesis by enhancing the expression of SREBP | [18] |
SPIN1 | SREBP | Upregulate | Activates FASN transcription by interacting with SREBP-1c, thereby promoting hepatocellular cancer cell growth | [19] |
CD36 | SREBP | Upregulate | Promotes the expression of SREBP1 and its inducer gene FASN, ultimately leading to HFD-induced hepatic steatosis | [20] |
HIF-1 | SREBP | Downregulate | HIF-1 deletion promotes the nuclear translocation of SREBP-1c, induce FASN expression, and promote FASN-mediated lipid accumulation, thereby leading to impairment of host protection against leishmaniasis in myeloid cells | [21] |
NS5A | SREBP | Upregulate | Facilitates SREBP-1c-mediated FASN expression, thereby promoting hepatic lipid accumulation | [22] |
NUPR1 | SREBP | Upregulate | Interacts with SREBP-1 to upregulate the expression of FASN, leading to lipid accumulation | [23] |
NF-Y | SREBP | Upregulate | Directly binds to the CCAAT regulatory motif in the promoter, activating the transcription of SREBP-1, enhances the expression of SREBP-1 and FASN, consequently contributing to the progression of alcoholic liver disease | [24] |
Fatostatin | SREBP | Downregulate | Play an anti-prostate cancer role by inhibiting the expression of FASN | [25] |
Gallic acid | SREBP | Downregulate | Impairs fructose-driven de novo lipogenesis and ameliorates hepatic steatosis by inhibiting the SREBP-1/FASN cascade | [26] |
6-Keto cholesterol | SREBP | Downregulate | Inhibits FASN expression by downregulating SREBP expression, thereby inhibiting lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells | [27] |
Timosaponin A3 | SREBP | Downregulate | Controls the growth of BxPC-3 cells by downregulating FASN expression through the inhibition of SREBP-1 | [28] |
Selenium and vitamin B6 | SREBP | Downregulate | Inhibits FASN expression by blocking the SIRT1/SREBP-1c axis, demonstrating an improvement in dyslipidemia and fatty liver syndrome | [29] |
YAP | PI3K/Akt | Upregulate | Facilitates FASN-dependent lipogenesis by engaging the rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway | [31] |
D-Mannose | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Modulates lipid metabolism via the PI3K/Akt/FASN pathway, exhibiting a protective role against hepatic steatosis | [32] |
Glucose | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Inhibits FASN expression in Schwann cells through the blockade of PI3K/Akt pathway, thereby contributing to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. | [33] |
LAMP3 | PI3K/Akt | Upregulate | Triggers Akt activation, resulting in the upregulation of FASN expression in HepG2 cells. | [34] |
SIK2 | SREBP | Upregulate | Upregulates the expression of SREBP-1c, promoting the transcription of FASN and the synthesis of fatty acids, ultimately contributing to the development of ovarian cancer (OC) | [35] |
AZGP1 | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Suppresses the activity of colorectal cancer cells by modulating FASN through the mTOR pathway | [36] |
IGF-1R | PI3K/Akt | Upregulate | Upregulates FASN in breast cancer, consequently promoting breast cancer incidence | [37] |
PTEN | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Targets PIP3 to block AKT activation, thereby blocking the PI3K-AKT pathway and inhibiting FASN expression | [38] |
Compound 8u | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Blocks the PI3K/Akt pathway, resulting in reduced FASN protein expression, hampers cell invasion and metastasis | [39] |
Compound 4 | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Suppresses ovarian cancer incidence by inhibiting the PI3K/AKT pathway and downregulating FASN expression | [40] |
Wogonin | PI3K/Akt | Upregulate | Actives AKT and SREBP1 nuclear accumulation, significantly increase FASN expression and regulate fatty acid metabolism | [41] |
Orlistat | PI3K/Akt | Downregulate | Inhibits FASN expression by regulating AKT pathway, thereby exerting anti-lipogenesis and anti-proliferative effects | [42] |
miR-497-5p | FASN | Downregulate | Target FASN 3’-UTR and inhibit FASN expression, thus restraining CC development | [45] |
miR-328-5p | FASN | Downregulate | Target FASN 3’-UTR and inhibit FASN expression, thus promoting hMSCs adipogenic differentiation | [46] |
miR-103 | FASN | Downregulate | Target FASN 3’-UTR and inhibit FASN expression, thus alleviating the pathogenesis of NAFLD | [47] |
miR-4310 | FASN | Downregulate | Target FASN 3’-UTR and inhibit FASN expression, thus inhibiting HCC cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in vitro and suppresses HCC tumor growth and metastasis | [48] |
miR-33b | TAK1 | Downregulate | Directly targets TAK1, leading to the inhibition of FASN activity and modulation of lipid metabolism | [49] |
miRNA-212 | SIRT2 | Upregulate | Promotes FASN expression by targeting SIRT2, thereby promoting lipogenesis in mammary epithelial cell lines | [50] |
lncSNHG25 | FASN | Upregulate | Regulates FASN expression through miR-497–5p, thereby promoting the malignancy of endometrial cancer | [51] |
CircWHSC1 | FASN | Upregulate | Enhances FASN expression through miR-195–5p, thereby promoting breast cancer progression | [52] |
circMBOAT2 | FASN | Upregulate | Promotes lipid metabolism by stabilizing PTBP1 to promote the cytoplasmic output of FASN mRNA | [53] |
Circ_0018909 | FASN | Upregulate | Tromotes the expression of FASN by regulating miR-545–3p, thereby promoting cell growth, migration, invasion, EMT, and elevated the number of apoptotic cells in pancreatic cancer cells, as well as tumor growth | [54] |
miR-23a/b-3p | SREBP-1c | Upregulate | Enhances mRNA stability by binding to the 5ʹ-UTR of both SREBP-1c and FASN mRNA, thereby facilitating triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes | [55] |
miR-21 | SREBP-1 | Upregulate | Activates the IRS1/SREBP-1 axis, leading to the upregulation of FASN expression and disease progression | [56] |
lncZFAS1 | SREBP-1 | Upregulate | Interacts with PABP2, promotes the stabilization of SREBP-1 mRNA, elevates the expression of SREBP-1 and FASN, thereby promoting lipid accumulation in colorectal cancer | [57] |
Circ PRKAA1 | SREBP-1 | Upregulate | Enhances the stability of SREBP-1 and selectively binds to the promoter region of the FASN gene, thereby increasing fatty acid synthesis to promote cancer growth | [58] |
Eif6 | FASN | Upregulate | Promotes atherosclerosis development by upregulating FASN expression and other fatty acid synthesis genes | [59] |
USP38 | FASN | Upregulate | Interacts with FASN, thereby enhancing the stability of FASN protein and promoting progression of gastric cancer | [60] |
PHLPP1 | FASN | Upregulate | Interacts with ChREBP and enhances ChREBP recruitment to FASN promoter, subsequently promoting lipid formation | [61] |
GNPAT | FASN | Downregulate | Regulates lipid metabolism and liver cancer by inhibiting FASN degradation mediated by TRIM21 | [62] |