Figure 7.
Maqui extract inhibited Mast cells (MC) activation in the experimental model of Crohn’s disease-like colitis (n= 6 mice/group). Toluidine blue staining and Quantification of MC. (A) Representative histological outcomes for CD group. Red arrows shown identify (a) small sized MC, (b) MC present in lamina propria and (c) degranulated MC. (B) Tryptase (MCT) and (C) Tryptase and chymase (MCTC) are shown in all groups. The red arrows show the difference in number, size, and degranulation of MC between control (a), CD (b), post-Treatment (c) and pre-Treatment groups (d). Quantification of cellular content shown as mean level of (D) T+ MC located in intestinal mucosa of each group and (E) TC+ MC located in intestinal submucosa of each group. The data shown Values represent mean ± SEM; *Difference at the p < 0.05 level. One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparison test.