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. 2023 Sep 1;52(1):197–208. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023-02084-x

Table 2.

Comparison of available diagnostic techniques for mycological diagnosis in Italy

Overall (n = 49) GDP
 < 30,000 € (n = 19)  > 30,000 € (n = 30)
n % n % n %
Microscopy 46 93.9 17 89.5 29 96.7
 China/India ink 34 69.4 14 73.7 20 66.7
 Silver stain 24 49.0 8 42.1 16 53.3
 Giemsa stain 24 49.0 7 36.8 17 56.7
 Potassium hydroxide 15 30.6 6 31.6 9 30.0
 Calcofluor white 12 24.5 4 21.1 8 26.7
Direct microscopy frequency when IFD suspected
 Never 1 2.0 1 5.3 0 0.0
 Rarely 6 12.2 4 21.1 2 6.7
 Sometimes 12 24.5 6 31.6 6 20.0
 Often 9 18.4 1 5.3 8 26.7
 Always 21 42.9 7 36.8 14 46.7
Access to fluorescent dye 19 38.8 8 42.1 11 36.7
Direct examination in body fluids for suspected cryptococcosis 39 79.6 15 78.9 24 80.0
 India ink 34 69.4 14 73.7 20 66.7
 Other dyes 5 10.2 1 5.3 4 13.3
Direct microscopy for suspected mucormycosis 26 53.1 12 63.2 14 46.7
Silver stain for suspected pneumocystosis 21 42.9 8 42.1 13 43.3
Culture and fungal identification 49 100.0 19 100.0 30 100.0
Blood cultures for suspected fungemia 49 100.0 19 100.0 30 100.0
Fungal culture media
 Sabouraud dextrose agar 27 55.1 10 52.6 17 56.7
 Sabouraud dextrose agar + chloramphenicol 26 53.1 11 57.9 15 50.0
 Sabouraud dextrose agar + gentamicin 22 44.9 10 52.6 12 40.0
 Chromogen 21 42.9 7 36.8 14 46.7
 Selective agar (chloramphenicol + cycloheximide) 17 34.7 6 31.6 11 36.7
 Potato dextrose agar 13 26.5 6 31.6 7 23.3
 Agar Niger 10 20.4 6 31.6 4 13.3
 Lactrimel agar 4 8.2 2 10.5 2 6.7
Available tests for specific identification 46 93.9 18 94.7 28 93.3
 MALDI–TOF–MS 40 81.6 14 73.7 26 86.7
 Automated identification (i.e., VITEK®) 33 67.3 14 73.7 19 63.3
 Biochemical tests (conventional mycology) 28 57.1 13 68.4 15 50.0
 DNA sequencing 26 53.1 8 42.1 18 60.0
 Mounting medium 4 8.2 0 0.0 4 13.3
Antifungal susceptibility tests? 45 91.8 16 84.2 29 96.7
 For yeasts and moulds 32 65.3 13 68.4 19 63.3
 For yeasts 13 26.5 3 15.8 10 33.3
Available antifungal susceptibility test technologies
 Broth microdilution, using EUCAST standards 23 46.9 9 47.4 14 46.7
 VITEK® 18 36.7 8 42.1 10 33.3
 E-test® 18 36.7 5 26.3 13 43.3
  Broth microdilution, using CLSI standards 18 36.7 3 15.8 15 50.0*
Maximum identification capability
 Yeasts 49 100.0 19 100.0 30 100.0
  Genus/species 20 40.8 11 57.9 9 30.0
  Genus/species/complex 19 38.8 4 21.1 15 50.0
  Genus/species/complex/cryptic species 8 16.3 4 21.1 4 13.3
  Genus 2 4.1 0 0.0 2 6.7
 Moulds 49 100.0 19 100.0 30 100.0
  Genus/species 41 83.7 17 89.5 24 80.0
  Genus 8 16.3 2 10.5 6 20.0
Serology 41 83.7 16 84.2 25 83.3
 Aspergillus spp. 39 79.6 16 84.2 23 76.7
  Onsite 31 63.3 12 63.2 19 63.3
  Outsourced 8 16.3 4 21.1 4 13.3
 Candida spp. 28 57.1 13 68.4 15 50.0
  Onsite 20 40.8 9 47.4 11 36.7
  Outsourced 8 16.3 4 21.1 4 13.3
 Histoplasma spp. 25 51.0 8 42.1 17 56.7
  Onsite 14 28.6 4 21.1 10 33.3
  Outsourced 11 22.4 4 21.1 7 23.3
Antigen detection 49 100.0 19 100.0 30 100.0
Aspergillus overall 42 85.7 17 89.5 25 83.3
 Aspergillus galactomannan ELISA 47 95.9 19 100.0 28 93.3
  Onsite 39 79.6 16 84.2 23 76.7
  Outsourced 8 16.3 3 15.8 5 16.7
 Aspergillus galactomannan LFA 18 36.7 8 42.1 10 33.3
  Onsite 14 28.6 6 31.6 8 26.7
  Outsourced 4 8.2 2 10.5 2 6.7
 Aspergillus LFD 13 26.5 6 31.6 7 23.3
  Onsite 10 20.4 4 21.1 6 20.0
  Outsourced 3 6.1 2 10.5 1 3.3
1–3-Beta-d-glucan 42 85.7 14 73.7 28 93.3
 Onsite 27 55.1 10 52.6 17 56.7
 Outsourced 15 30.6 4 21.1 11 36.7
Cryptococcus overall 38 77.6 13 68.4 25 83.3
 Cryptococcus LAT 38 77.6 15 78.9 23 76.7
  Onsite 34 69.4 12 63.2 22 73.3
  Outsourced 4 8.2 3 15.8 1 3.3
 Cryptococcus LFA 20 40.8 9 47.4 11 36.7
  Onsite 15 30.6 5 26.3 10 33.3
  Outsourced 5 10.2 4 21.1 1 3.3
Candida antigen 22 44.9 11 57.9 11 36.7
 Onsite 15 30.6 7 36.8 8 26.7
 Outsourced 7 14.3 4 21.1 3 10.0
Histoplasma 18 36.7 7 36.8 11 36.7
 Onsite 8 16.3 2 10.5 6 20.0
 Outsourced 10 20.4 5 26.3 5 16.7
Molecular tests 41 83.7 16 84.2 25 83.3
Pneumocystis PCR 35 71.4 14 73.7 21 70.0
 Onsite 29 59.2 11 57.9 18 60.0
 Outsourced 6 12.2 3 15.8 3 10.0
Aspergillus PCR 32 65.3 12 63.2 20 66.7
 Onsite 23 46.9 8 42.1 15 50.0
 Outsourced 9 18.4 4 21.1 5 16.7
Candida PCR 25 51.0 9 47.4 16 53.3
 Onsite 15 30.6 4 21.1 11 36.7
 Outsourced 10 20.4 5 26.3 5 16.7
PCR for other fungi 19 38.8 8 42.1 11 36.7
 Onsite 9 18.4 3 15.8 6 20.0
 Outsourced 10 20.4 5 26.3 5 16.7
Mucorales PCR 18 36.7 9 47.4 9 30.0
 Onsite 9 18.4 3 15.8 6 20.0
 Outsourced 9 18.4 6 31.6 3 10.0

*This difference was considered as statistically significance, p = 0.032

CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, DNA deoxyribonucleic acid, ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, E test® epsilometer test, EUCAST European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, euros, GDP gross domestic product, IFD invasive fungal disease, LAT latex agglutination test, LFA lateral flow assay, LFD lateral flow device, MALDITOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization—time-of-flight mass spectrometer, PCR polymerase chain reaction, spp. species