(A) Schematics of multiplex bead assay using streptavidin-coated beads
displaying biotinylated anti-mouse IgG or anti-mouse kappa, and donor
I-Ed, donor I-Ad or self I-Ab antigens. (C)
Relative concentrations of mouse IgG1 and kappa in the culture supernatants of
single BCR clones detected with PE-anti-IgG and presented as mean fluorescence
intensity (MFI). Each symbol represents one rIgG1 cloned from single B cells
from naïve, rejecting or tolerant mice. (D-E) Supernatants with low
(bottom circle 1C) or high (Top circle 1C) kappa concentrations binding to beads
coated with I-Ed, I-Ad, or I-Ab, and presented
as relative MFI. (F) Normalized MFI ratio confirms that rIgG1 expressed from
I-Ed tetramer-binding B cells preferentially binds to
I-Ed beads compared to I-Ad, or I-Ab. (G)
rIgG1 binds to B/c B cells (CD19+) in the presence of blocking