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. 2021 Jun 8;24(4):311–321. doi: 10.1177/1098612X211020159

Table 1.

Summary of the main findings of previous case reports describing feline discospondylitis

Case report Signalment (age, sex, breed) Duration, clinical and neurological findings, haematology (Hm) and serum biochemistry (Sb) findings Microbial culture results (Cultures), concurrent comorbidities (CCM) and associated findings (AF) Antibiotic treatment (Tx) and outcome
Norsworthy (1979) 10 2-year-old ME Persian Duration: 5 days
Clinical findings: lethargy, anorexiaNeurological findings: progressive paraparesis
Cultures: none Tx: none
CCM: none describedAF: none described Outcome: euthanasia
Malik et al (1990) 11 15-year-old ME DSH Duration: 5 weeksClinical findings: inappetence, respiratory signs (ocular and nasal discharge), pyrexiaNeurological findings: pelvic limb ataxia progressing into paraplegiaHm: segmented neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphocytopenia and eosinopenia; Döhle bodies were present in many of the neutrophils Culture (at necropsy) – from paravertebral abscess: Streptococcus canis in large numbers, Actinomyces viscosus in moderate numbers and a small number of Escherichia coli Tx: previous treatment with amoxicillin–clavulanic acid by referring veterinarian for 1 weekOutcome: spontaneous death
CCM: suspected concomitant respiratory tract infection, paravertebral abscess, chronic meningomyelitis of the overlying spinal cord
Watson and Roberts (1993) 12 13-year-old FN DSH Duration: 2 weeksClinical findings: anorexia, dehydration, emaciationNeurological findings: hyperaesthesia of the lumbar spine Cultures – urine: E coliCCM: concurrent chronic pyelonephritisAF: none described Tx: ampicillinOutcome: initial improvement but euthanasia 2 months later
Sb: elevated urea and creatinine
Aroch et al (1999) 13 1-year-old MN DSH Duration: 1 month
Clinical findings: back pain, pyrexia, anorexia, lethargy and dehydrationNeurological findings: paraparesis, proprioceptive deficit, upper motor neuron bladderHm: leukocytosis with neutrophiliaSb: hyperglobulinaemia
Cultures – blood, urine, CSF: all negative; E coli (at necropsy)CCM: meningomyelitis of the overlying spinal cord, haemorrhages on the paravertebral musclesAF: none described Tx: initially amoxicillin (short courses), then amoxicillin–clavulanic acid (2 weeks) and
enrofloxacin; worsened while hospitalised
Outcome: progressive despite antibiotic therapy and euthanasia in 6 days
Packer et al (2005) 14 8-month-old MN Scottish Fold Duration: 2 weeksClinical findings: reluctance to ambulateNeurological findings:
pelvic limb lameness, severe lumbosacral hyperaesthesiaSb: hypercalcaemia
Cultures – urine: Enterococcus species (aerobic conditions) and Clostridium perfringens (anaerobic conditions); blood, CSF negativeCCM: sublumbar abscessAF: none described Tx: enrofloxacin and ampicillin for 8 weeksOutcome: good at 10 weeks
Hill et al (2015) 15 6.5-year-old MN Siamese Duration: 6 monthsClinical findings: gallop rhythm; otherwise unremarkableNeurological findings: lumbar hyperaesthesia, pelvic limb ataxia, tail paresis Cultures: FNA and urine negativeCCM: none describedAF: none described Tx: amoxicillin–clavulanic acid for 2 months
Outcome: no further painful episodes at 11 months
Kemelman et al (2019) 16 20-month-old male
Maine Coon
Duration: 1 monthClinical findings: increased level of aggression, decreased appetite and activity, obstipation, heart gallop rhythm; otherwise unremarkable Cultures: surgical biopsy negativeCCM: none describedAF: none described Tx: amoxicillin–clavulanic acid 20 mg/kg for 6 weeks
Outcome: complete resolution at 12 months
Neurological findings: lumbar hyperaesthesia
Liatis et al (2020) 17 8-year-old MN DSH Duration: 1 monthClinical findings: low tail carriage and tail painNeurological findings: tail paresis with proximal movement and marked pain on palpation of the proximal third of the tailSb: hyperproteinaemia (88 g/l [RI 60–85]) with moderate hyperglobulinaemia Cultures: intervertebral space aspirates and urine negativeCCM: none describedAF: none described Tx: 6-week course of antibiotics (12.5 mg/kg clindamycin PO q24h, 20 mg/kg cefalexin PO q12h)
Outcome: complete resolution at 3 weeks

ME = male entire; DSH = domestic shorthair; FN, female neutered; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; FNA = fine-needle aspirate; MN = male neutered; RI = reference interval