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. 2021 Jun 30;24(4):407–412. doi: 10.1177/1098612X211026252

Table 1.

Information relative to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of gastric diverticula in six cats

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6
Signalment Age 15 years; MN; Maine Coon cat Age 9 years; MN; Himalayan Age 17 years; MN; DSH Age 10 years; FS; Maine Coon cat Age 17 years; MN; DSH Age 13 years; MN; Maine Coon
History Vomiting (3 years); weight loss (3 years); anorexia (1 week) Vomiting (daily, 3 years); vomiting (twice daily, 4 days) Anorexia (10 months); vomiting (2 weeks) Vomiting hairballs (6 years); vomiting without hairballs (1 month) Vomiting (2 years); weight loss (2 years); anorexia (2 months); chronic kidney disease (2 years) Vomiting (3 years); aversion to being picked up (2 months)
Clinical findings Temperature 38.3°C; dehydration; abdominal pain Temperature 38.6°C Temperature 37.8°C; palpably thickened intestines; abdominal pain Temperature 38.2°C; dehydration; gastric distension Temperature 37.7°C Temperature 37.6°C; palpably thickened intestines
Cobalamin, folate, fPL, TLI* NP NP NP Cobalamin: 354 ng/l (low–normal);
folate: 5.3 µg/l; fPL: 4.2 µg/l
Cobalamin: 185 ng/l;
fPL: 9.4 µg/l
Cobalamin: 260 ng/l
Esophagogastroscopy NP Unremarkable NP NP NP NP
Abdominal radiography Outpouching at gastric fundic region; gastric distension NP Abnormal gastric distension; irregular gastric shape Irregular gastric shape Irregular gastric shape Ingesta within the stomach despite fasting for 12 h
Ultrasonography NP NP NP No abnormalities NP Duodenal muscularis thickening (0.04 cm); ileal muscularis thickening (0.1 cm)
Negative contrast upper GI study Outpouching at the gastric fundus Outpouching at the gastric fundus; gastric linear opacity Outpouching at the gastric fundus Large outpouching along greater gastric curvature at the gastric fundus; smaller gastric outpouching along lesser gastric curvature Outpouching at the gastric fundus Outpouching at the gastric fundus
Gastric cytology Unremarkable Unremarkable NP Extracellular rods; Malassezia yeast; polymorphonuclear leukocytes NP NP
Gastric diverticula histopathology Atrophy of the muscularis layer; hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosa; segmental reduplication of the muscularis layer Atrophy of the muscularis layer; hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosa; invagination and infolding of the muscularis layer Atrophy of the muscularis layer; fibrosis of the muscularis mucosa Atrophy of the muscularis layer; hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosa Atrophy of the muscularis layer; ill-defined bundles and fibrosis within the muscularis layer Atrophy of the muscularis layer; hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosa; hypertrophy of the tunica media arteries
Other histopathology, comorbidities Intestines: inflammatory bowel disease (eosinophilic)
Liver: no abnormalities
Spleen: no abnormalities
Intestines: no abnormalities Intestines: inflammatory bowel disease (duodenum); alimentary small cell lymphoma (jejunum)
Pancreas: nodular hyperplasia
Intestines: no abnormalities
Liver: no abnormalities
Mesenteric lymph node: no abnormalities
Intestines: alimentary small cell lymphoma
Pancreas: no abnormalities
Liver: no abnormalities
Mesenteric lymph node: no abnormalities
Intestines: inflammatory bowel disease
Treatment Gastrotomy with foreign body (trichobezoar) removal;
subsequent partial gastrectomy;
prednisolone PO 48 months;
cyanocobalamin SC 38 months
Partial gastrectomy
; gastrotomy with foreign body (stick) removal
NA Partial gastrectomies (n = 2);
cyanocobalamin SC 26 months
Partial gastrectomy;
prednisolone PO 18 months;
cyanocobalamin SC 18 months;
chlorambucil 17 months
Partial gastrectomy; dexamethasone sodium phosphate SC 9 months;
cyanocobalamin SC 9 months
Survival 48 months (renal cause) 15 months then lost to follow-up Euthanized at time of exploratory laparotomy 26 months then lost to follow-up 18 months (renal cause) 9 months at time of writing

Reference interval (RI) for cobalamin, 290–1499 ng/l; RI for folate, 9.7–21.6 µg/l; RI for fPL, 0–3.5 µg/l (Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Texas A & M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences).

MN = male neutered; DSH = domestic shorthair; FS = female spayed; fPL = pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity; TLI = serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity; NP = not performed; GI = gastrointestinal; NA = not applicable