Ursolic acid improves exercise participation and T-maze performance in older dogs. Older beagle dogs with mild to moderate age-related skeletal muscle atrophy were randomized to receive either one placebo soft chew or one ursolic acid soft chew (24 mg ursolic acid/day) once a day for 60 days. (A,B) Exercise participation was assessed in each animal before and after 60 days of dietary supplementation with placebo (A) or ursolic acid (B). In this assay, exercise participation is graded on a scale from 0 (no participation) to 3 (enthusiastic participation). (C,D) T-maze performance was assessed in each animal before and after 60 days of dietary supplementation with placebo (C) or ursolic acid (D). In this assay, a lower latency score indicates higher T-maze performance. (A–D) Each data point represents the value from one animal, orange lines denote paired values from the same animal, bars indicate mean values, and p-values were determined by two-tailed Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank tests.