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. 2005 Apr;43(4):1752–1767. doi: 10.1128/JCM.43.4.1752-1767.2005


Summary of colony color and morphological characters useful for identification of Phaeoacremonium species, listed according to the colony color (ranging from pink to brown to beige)

Species Colony color on 2% MEA Conidiophore structure Conidiophore length (μm)a Mycelium texture Maximum size of warts (μm) Predominant phialide type Predominant Type II phialide shape Yellow pigmentation on PDA
P. rubrigenum Medium to purple pink Mostly short and usually unbranched 23-51 (20, 70) Verruculose 1 III Elongate-ampulliform, attenuated at the base No
P. scolyti Medium pink to translucent Mostly short and usually unbranched 17-35 (15, 39) Mostly verruculose 1 II Elongate-ampulliform, constricted at the base No
P. griseorubrum Dark pink Mostly short and usually unbranched 23-70 (21, 85) Verruculose 1.5 II and III Elongate-ampulliform or navicular No
P. alvesii Medium pink or beige Mostly short and usually unbranched 17-43 (14, 50) Verruculose 0.5 III Subcylindrical or navicular Variable
P. inflatipes Brown to gray-brown Mostly branched in the basal region 18-40 (14, 43) Verruculose 0.5 III Elongate-ampulliform, attenuated at the base No
P. parasiticum Brown with medium brown center Mostly long and branched 27-80 (24, 130) Verricose 3 III Subcylindrical No
P. krajdenii Medium brown to dark brown Short and usually unbranched 20-45 (16, 76) Verrucose 1 II Elongate-ampulliform, attenuated at the base No
P. tardicrescens Medium brown to olivaceous-brown Mostly short and usually unbranched 16-52 (13, 67) Verrucose 0.5 I and III Subcylindrical to subulate No
P. aleophilum Honey-brown or beige Mostly short and usually unbranched 17-42 (15, 46) Mostly verruculose 1.5 II and III Elongate-ampulliform attenuated at the base Yes
P. australiense Pale brown to medium brown Mostly short and usually unbranched 17-50 (14, 64) Verruculose 1 I, II, and III Elongate-ampulliform No
P. subulatum Pale yellow to pale brown Mostly short and usually unbranched 18-32 (17, 45) Verruculose 0.8 I, II, and III Subcylindrical to subulate Yes
P. venezuelense Beige to orange-brown Mostly short and occasionally branched 28-48 (20, 52) Verruculose 1 III Subcylindrical or navicular No
P. amstelodamense Beige to pale brown Mostly short and usually unbranched 16-61 (15, 90) Verruculose 1 II Elongate-ampulliform constricted at the base No

Conidiophore lengths are given in the form 5th percentile-95th percentile (min, max).