H&E staining revealing the well-preserved physiological hippocampal cytoarchitecture in non-supplemented controls (a–e) and He1-treated (f–j) elderly mice. (a,f): Low magnification micrograph shows the whole hippocampus, formed of Cornus Ammonis (CA; subdivided into CA1, CA2, CA3, and CA4) and dentate gyrus (DG). (b,g): Higher magnifications of the DG area displaying three distinct layers: ML, GL, and PL. (e,j): Higher magnifications of the CA1 region, showing the typical three-layered structure: outer polymorphic layer, i.e., Stratum oriens (SO); middle pyramidal cell layer, i.e., Stratum pyramidale (SP); inner molecular layer, i.e., Stratum radiatum (SR) in control and He1-supplemented animal, respectively. Light microscopy magnification: 4× (a,f); 20× (b–e,g–j). Histograms display the quantitative valuation of shrunken cell density in DG and CA subregions. p-values calculated by unpaired Student’s t-test. **** p < 0.0001.