Figure 2.
Graph displaying the increase in (a) macrocyte count (mean/10 high-power field [hpf]), (b) echinocyte count (%), (c) lysed red blood cells (RBCs; mean/10 hpf) and (d) spherocyte count (mean/10 hpf), and the decrease in (e) normal RBC count (%) and (f) RBCs with Heinz bodies (mean/10 hpf) in 20 feline whole blood units collected and stored for transfusion purposes. There is a statistically significant difference (P = 0.0007; P <0.0001; P <0.0001; P = 0.0139; P <0.0001; P = 0.0110, respectively; Wilcoxon test) between counts at D0 (date of blood collection) and D35 (final date of storage/expiration of the feline whole blood unit). The central box represents the values from the lower to upper quartile (25–75 percentile). The middle line represents the median. A line extends from the minimum to the maximum value, excluding ‘outside’ and ‘outlier’ values, which are displayed as separate points