Phylogeny of lineages displaying rapid karyotype evolution. (A) A phylogeny of lineages with rapid karyotype evolution are depicted, contrasted by the Hominidae family (great apes), which have maintained a karyotype with few large-scale chromosome rearrangements since their divergence from lesser apes ~17 million years ago (Mya). Below, the geologic timescale of divergence is shown, with epochs and periods depicted by different colors. A timescale is depicted in millions of years. In the evolutionary timescale, abbreviations refer to the following: in the Paleogene Period, abbreviations refer to the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene epochs; in the Cretaceous Period, abbreviations refer to the Lower and Upper epochs; and abbreviations in the remaining periods refer to, from most to least recent, the Jurassic, Triassic, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, and Silurian periods. (B) A detailed phylogeny of selected species within lineages described herein is depicted, including Equidae (top, left), Hylobatidae and Hominidae (top, right), Macropodidae and Potoroidae (bottom, left), and Cervidae (bottom, right). As above, various colors depict geologic epochs and a timescale is displayed below each phylogeny. Diploid chromosome numbers for each species are included, highlighting the wide range of chromosome number variation across the evolution of these lineages. Phylogenies in (A,B) were created using TimeTree [104].