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. 2024 Jan 8;21(1):72. doi: 10.3390/ijerph21010072

Table 4.

Demographic and military characteristics of deployed MVP GW Survey sample and the full U.S. population of 1990–1991 Gulf War Veterans.

Demographic Characteristics Deployed
MVP Gulf War
Survey Respondents 1
(n = 10,695)
All Deployed
Gulf War Veterans 2
n = 696,470
Gender (%)
  Male 88.9 92.5
  Female 11.1 7.2
  Unknown 0.0 0.3
Age Group in 1991 (%)
  Mean age in years (SD) 31.4 ± 7.8 28.0
  <25 25.5 40.9
  25–34 42.0 40.3
  35–44 27.7 15.6
  45–54 4.5 2.6
  55–64 0.2 0.2
  ≥65 0.0 0.0
  Unknown 0.0 0.4
Race (%)
  White 66.5 67.7
  Black/African American 23.5 22.6
  American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.9 0.6
  Asian 3 1.6 2.3
  Other 3.1 1.4
  Multiple Responses 4.2 --
  Unknown 0.2 0.4
Ethnicity (%)
  Hispanic 4 9.8 5.1
  Non-Hispanic 90.1 --
  Unknown 0.1 --
Service Branch (%)
   Army 61.0 50.4
   Air Force 10.4 11.9
   Marine Corps 11.3 14.9
   Navy 17.0 22.7
   Coast Guard 0.2 0.1
Rank in August 1990–1991 (%)
  Enlisted 82.3 89.3
  Officer 13.7 9.5
  Warrant Officer 3.0 1.2
Component (%)
  Active Duty 76.9 83.9
  Reserve & National Guard 23.1 16.1

1 Data sources for deployed GW Survey respondents: gender, age (calculated as of 1 January 1991, to be consistent with the VA/DoD report), race, ethnicity from MVP Core demographic file supplemented with VADIR data; service branch, rank, and component from VADIR. 2 Responses from VA/DoD report. Includes all military personnel deployed to the Gulf theater between 1 August 1990 and 31 July 1991. Note: VA/DoD report combined race and ethnicity in a single variable, adding to 100%. Ethnicity is shown separately in this table to align with how data were collected for deployed MVP GW Veterans, but the two sources are not entirely comparable. 3 Asian includes Chinese, Japanese, Asian Indian, Other Asian, Filipino, and Pacific Islander (definition applies only to Deployed Gulf War Survey Respondents). 4 Hispanic includes Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, other Spanish/Hispanic/or Latino/or multiple responses (definition applies only to MVP Deployed Gulf War Survey Respondents).