Figure 1.
AP2/ERF transcription factor family classification and structural features. They can be divided into five main groups based on the number of AP2/ERF structural domains, namely AP2 (APETALA2), DREB (dehydration-responsive element binding protein), ERF (ethylene-responsive factor), RAV (related to ABI3/VP1), and Soloist. The AP2 domain contains two AP2 structural domains; the DREB and ERF domains contain an AP2 structural domain; the RAV domain contains an AP2 structural domain and a B3 structural domain; and the Soloist domain contains an AP2-like structural domain. The ERF subfamily of transcription factor members can participate in the regulation of abiotic stress by binding to the ethylene response element (ERE) (GCC-box, core sequence AGCCGCC). Members of the DREB subfamily of transcription factors specifically recognise and bind to a DRE/CRT element (dehydration responsive element/C-repeat, core sequence A/GCCGAC) in the promoter region of another gene. The yellow background represents the AP2 domain, the green background represents the B3 domain, and the blue background represents the AP2 like domain.