Transfer of immunologic memory for GBSIII PS. BALB/c mice were immunized twice with GBSIII-TT conjugate vaccine, and 4 weeks later 2 × 108 spleen cells were adoptively transferred into groups of six naive recipients (solid line). In control animals, 2 × 108 naive spleen cells were transferred (dotted line). All recipient mice were immunized 24 h later with GBSIII-TT, and the antibody response to the GBSIII PS in serum was measured 0, 7, 14, and 28 days after immunization. (A) GBSIII-specific IgG response; (B) GBSIII-specific IgM response. Lines represent the median levels, and error bars indicate the range. The results of two independent experiments are shown. ∗, P < 0.01 compared with recipients of splenocytes from placebo-immunized donors (Mann-Whitney test).