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. 2024 Jan 2;15(1):26. doi: 10.3390/insects15010026

Table 2.

Developmental duration of F1 generation of FAW fed on three different plants.

Stage Developmental Duration (Days) χ2/Z p
Maize Peanut Soybean
Egg 2 (0) b 3 (0) a 3 (0) a 135.98 <0.001
First instar larva 3 (1) b 4 (0.75) a 3 (1) b 67.84 <0.001
Second instar larva 2 (0) b 3 (1) a 2 (1) b 67.84 <0.001
Third instar larva 2 (1) c 5 (2) a 3 (1) b 36.64 <0.001
Fourth instar larva 3 (1) b 4 (3) a 3 (1.5) ab 13.69 0.001
Fifth instar larva 4 (2) b 4 (1) b 12.5 (9.75) a 15.35 <0.001
Sixth instar larva 6 (1) c 8 (1.25) b 9 (0) a 35.13 <0.001
Total larval duration 21 (2) c 27.5 (3) b 32 (5) a 66.3 <0.001
Pupa 9 (2) a 10 (1) a 11.5 (3.25) a 24.25 >0.001
Pre-adult duration 33 (2) c 39 (2) b 46 (2) a 60.13 <0.001
Female adult 10.5 (2.25) a 11 (6) a 6.5 (1) b 6.29 0.04
Male adult 9 (4) * 11.5 (4) 179.5 0.04
Preoviposition duration 3 (1.25) 3 (1) 109.5 0.30
Generation 35 (2) * 43.5 (1.25) 180 <0.001
Larval survival rate % (No.) 82 (41) 76 (38) 14 (7)
Pupation rate % (No.) 80 (40) 70 (35) 8 (4)
Emergence rate % (No.) 80 (40) 66 (33) 8 (4)

Note: The values in the table are presented as the median (interquartile range, Q3–Q1). χ2/Z and p represent the statistic and significance, respectively, of the Kruskal–Wallis test/Mann–Whitney U test. Different lowercase letters and * after data in the same row indicate significant differences at the 0.05 level in Kruskal–Wallis post hoc comparisons and the Mann–Whitney U test, respectively.