Figure 28.
Multiple calcified plaques at the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in a 72-year-old female. Coronary stenoses were measured at 80%, 78%, 72%, and 70% corresponding to the original CCTA, Real-ESRGAN-HR, Real-ESRGAN-Average and Real-ESRGAN-Median images (short arrows in (A)), respectively. ICA (short arrow in (B)) confirms 75% stenosis. The distal stenoses at LAD due to calcified plaques were measured at 70%, 50%, and 51% stenosis on original CCTA, Real-ESRGAN-HR, and Real-ESRGAN-Average images but measured at 45% on Real-ESRGAN-Median images (long arrows in (A)). ICA confirmed the only 37% stenosis (long arrow in (B)). CCTA—coronary computed tomography angiography; ESRGAN—enhanced super-resolution generative adversarial network; HR—high resolution; ICA—invasive coronary angiography, Real-ESRGAN—real-enhanced super-resolution generative adversarial network. Reprinted with permission under open access from Sun and Ng [89].