Fig. 2. Electrical detection of the Néel vector of Mn5Si3 by the AHE.
(A) Hysteresis of Hall resistivity ρyx and (B) magnetization M under out-of-plane magnetic field at 150 K, within the cAFM phase of Mn5Si3. M can be decomposed into DMI-induced m as blue line and defect-induced M-m as black line. (C) Comparison between ρyx and m of Mn5Si3 thin films with different thickness at 150 K. The numbers in parentheses indicate the thickness of the film in nanometer. (D) Simulated hysteresis of out-of-plane net moment mz under out-of-plane magnetic field at 150 K. (E) Simulated trajectories of 180° switching of Néel vector n and net moment m by out-of-plane magnetic field from 15 kOe to −15 kOe at 150 K. m and n are defined on the basis of the AFM sublattice of Mn5Si3 and averaged over all of simulation cells (Materials and Methods). (F) Calculated σxy near the Fermi level for the Néel vector along n+ or n− with net moment along m+ or m− at 150 K. (G) Calculated σxy at the Fermi level for n along any direction at 150 K.