Table 1.
Practice Implications of the ERI A-B-C Framework
Applications | Affective (A), Behavioral (B) and Cognitive (C) Goals | |
| ||
Starting in Infancy | •Provide regular and positive intercultural experiences that expose babies to diverse caregivers and peers •Engage in ethnic-racial role behaviors within the family (e.g., celebrate traditions, discuss heroes, create cultural artifacts, cook traditional meals) •Facilitate play with diverse peers and multicultural toys, songs, videos, and books |
Prevent distress, fear, and inter-ethnic-racial group confusion through affiliation and intergroup contact (A) Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B) Build awareness and knowledge of diverse ethnic- racial groups to minimize implicit biases (C) |
Starting around Early Childhood | •Provide regular and positive intercultural experiences that expose children to diverse educators and peers at school •Provide opportunities for ethnic-racial role behaviors at school (e.g., celebrate traditions, discuss heroes, create cultural artifacts, eat traditional meals) •Provide bilingual education •Provide multicultural, group-based curriculums that normalize ethnic-racial differences and build acceptance of ethnic-racial groups •Provide opportunities for children to discuss and prepare for racialized experiences (e.g., discrimination) •Recognize and respond to the racialized experiences of children •Teach children about the historical context of race and ethnicity in the U.S. |
Promote a sense of comfort, safety and familiarity across ethnic-racial groups (A); Build diverse knowledge of inter-ethnic-racial group behavior to encourage seeing individual characteristics (and thereby reduce stereotyping) (C) Promote ethnic-racial pride (A); Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B); Promote positive implicit cognitive associations between the self and school context to counteract stereotype threat (C) Build home language skills and promote strong family relationships (B) Build awareness and knowledge of diverse ethnic- racial groups (C); Scaffold positive inter-ethnic-racial group experiences (A,B) Validate a range of ethnic-racial feelings (A); Teach coping skills for negative ethnic-racial feelings and stereotype encounters (A/B/C); Teach positive ethnic-racial self-talk (C) Validate a range of ethnic-racial feelings (A); Teach coping skills for negative ethnic-racial feelings, and appraisal strategies for identifying stereotypes and discrimination (A/B/C); Teach positive ethnic-racial self-talk (C); Emphasize individual characteristics and growth mind-sets when discussing achievement (stereotype threat prevention) (C) Build knowledge and understanding of diverse ethnic-racial group experiences (C) |
Starting around Middle Childhood | •Encourage friendship networks that include coethnic and diverse peers •Teach social and behavioral necessary for resisting by-stander effects and intervening in peer-based discrimination. •Scaffold children’s independent efforts for exploring their ERIs. •Acknowledge the complex (i.e., positive and negative) implications of race and ethnicity in historical and local context and teach about positionality |
Promote ethnic-racial pride (A); Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B); Build acceptance of diverse ethnic-racial groups (C) Increase knowledge about intra- and inter-ethnic /racial group differences current-day peer experiences (C); Build competencies for empathy and restorative justice skills (A/B) Promote ethnic-racial pride (A); Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B) Validate a range of ethnic-racial feelings (A); Teach coping skills for negative ethnic-racial feelings (A/B/C); Teach positive ethnic-racial self-and-other talk (C); Counteract race-based supremacy beliefs (C) |
Starting around Adolescence | •Support independent efforts to understanding the meaning of their ERI •Promote positive interethnic and same-ethnic group friendships •Encourage critical dialogue about the historical and local context of race and ethnicity in the U.S. •Provide opportunities for activism |
Promote ethnic-racial affiliation, or sense of belonging (A) Provide supportive, positive opportunities to socialize and work alongside same and other- ethnic group peers (B) Build knowledge and understanding of diverse ethnic-racial group experiences (C) Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B); Build opportunities for interethnic-racial group advocacy and friendships (A/B/C) |
Starting around Adulthood | •Combat experiences of marginalization (e.g., tokenism, emotional labor, imposter syndrome) in higher education and work settings •Support parents in socializing their own children to race and ethnicity in the U.S. •Discuss integration of multiple social identities |
Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B) Counteract self-stereotyping, reduce implicit biases (C); Create and maintain supportive and responsive systems to end systemic discriminatory policies and procedures (A/B/C) Promote ethnic-racial pride (A); Validate a range of ethnic-racial feelings (A); Build ethnic-racial behavioral competencies (B); Create community (online and offline) opportunities for positive intergenerational interethnic-racial group socialization (A/B/C) Promote consolidation of identity (C) Support self-awareness and counteract selfstereotyping across intersectional aspects of identity (A/B/C) Encourage continued ERI exploration in response to accelerators, with interpersonal support of meaning-making (A/B/C) |