Fig. 2. Epithelial cell subtypes and clinical stage-related functional differences.
a The UMAP plot shows epithelial cell sub cluster by color. b Dot plot shows gene module contribution of epithelial cell sub cluster. c The expression heatmap of top10 marker genes for epithelial cell sub cluster. d Heatmaps shows large-scale CNVs for individual epithelial cells. e The violin plot shows the cell entropy value of epithelial cells in each stage (Total 23,564 single cell). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. f The violin plot shows the CNV score of epithelial cells in each stage (Total 2,488 single cells). g The heatmap shows the tumor cell function gene sets score of each stage. h The bar chart shows the GO enrichment term of up regulated genes in stage IC2.