Table 1.
Confusion matrix and interrater reliability (κ) between our multilayer fraud detection system and the Qualtrics fraud detection system for the full sample, only adult surveys, only parent surveys, and only youth surveys.
Fraud (multilayer) | Valid (multilayer) | |
Full samplea | |||
Fraud (Qualtrics) | 2627b | 934c |
Valid (Qualtrics) | 2095c | 2294 |
Adult surveyd | |||
Fraud (Qualtrics) | 299 | 166c |
Valid (Qualtrics) | 174c | 904 |
Parent surveye | |||
Fraud (Qualtrics) | 2184 | 710c |
Valid (Qualtrics) | 1848c | 1102 |
Youth surveyf | |||
Fraud (Qualtrics) | 144 | 58c |
Valid (Qualtrics) | 73c | 288 |
aκ=0.25; 95% CI 0.23-0.27.
bValues in italics represent agreement between the 2 methods.
cValues represent disagreement between the 2 methods.
dκ=0.48; 95% CI 0.43-0.53.
eκ=0.13; 95% CI 0.10-0.15.
fκ=0.50; 95% CI 0.43-0.58.