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. 2024 Jan 11;13(2):211. doi: 10.3390/plants13020211

Table 6.

Evaluation of pre-emergence and post-emergence selectivity applied to lupine (Lupinus albus) plants during the 2019–2020 (GS1) and 2020–2021 (GS2) growing seasons. Phytotoxicity (%): plant susceptibility to herbicide on a scale of 1:100, where 1 depicts no injury on the crop and 100 depicts complete plant necrosis. Plant dry biomass (t ha−1) and grain yield (t ha−1). Coding of the herbicide treatment is as elsewhere.

Herbicide Treatment Phytotoxicity (%) Plant Dry Biomass (t ha−1) Grain Yield (t ha−1)
WC 0.0 5.4 a 3.2 ab
ACL 0.0 6.4 b 3.9 bc
PEN + CL 1.7 5.4 a 2.8 a
MET + CL 1.7 5.3 a 3.7 abc
BEN 0.0 5.7 ab 4.1 c
TER + PEN 1.7 4.5 c 3.5 abc
s-MET + PEN 3.3 4.4 c 3.9 bc
PYR 5.0 5.2 ac 3.3 abc
FL 0.0 6.5 b 3.9 bc
IMA 0.0 6.3 b 3.8 bc
Mean - 5.5 3.6
LSDHT (0.05) - 0.3 0.3
WC 0.0 4.5 a 2.7 a
ACL 3.3 6.3 b 3.5 abc
PEN + CL 1.7 5.2 a 3.2 ab
MET + CL 1.7 5.5 ab 3.7 b
BEN 0.0 6.4 b 3.9 b
TER + PEN 0.0 4.7 a 3.8 b
s-MET + PEN 3.3 4.5 a 3.3 ab
PYR 0.0 4.6 a 3.1 ab
FL 0.0 6.3 b 3.5 ab
IMA 0.0 6.3 b 3.6 ab
Mean - 5.4 3.4
LSDHT (0.05) - 0.4 0.3

ACL: aclonifen, PEN + CL: pendimethalin plus clomazone, MET + CL: metribuzin plus clomazone, BEN: benfluralin, TER + PEN: terbuthylazine plus pendimethalin, S-MET + PEN: S-metolachlor plus pendimethalin, PYR: pyridate, FL: flumioxazin, IMA: imazamox plus fatty acid esters plus alkoxylate alcohols–phosphate esters. Values without a common letter are statistically significant according to LSD (0.05).