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. 2024 Jan 27;24:85. doi: 10.1186/s12884-024-06251-2

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies

Study settings Design Size Participants PRP preparation Injection control outcome Registration Funding
Aflatoonian 2021 [20] Single center Iran Quasi-experimental


17 POR


POI (ESHRE: onset < 40

years, oligo-/amenorrhea ≥ 4 months, and FSH > 25 IU/l. POR (Bologna criteria: age > 40 years, history of POR

 ≤ 3 oocytes in previous stimulation, and low ovarian reserve tests (AMH < 1.1 ng/ml) or AFC < 5)

Exclusion criteria BMI < 18 or > 30 kg/m2

above 30 or less than 18, autoimmune diseases,

thrombophilia, sex chromosome abnormality, STDs,

tubal factor infertility, endocrine disorders, endometriosis, previous major lower

abdominal surgery and pelvic adhesions, renal failure,

malignancy, abnormal semen

Iatrogenic POI

hormonal therapy within 1

month before or after PRP

Protocol: Rooyagen, Tehran, Iran manufacturer’s


Volume: 20 ml of peripheral venous

Blood and 3 ml acid

citrate A anticoagulant solution

Centrifugation: 1600g for 10

Min → 3 layers bottom RBCs, a buffy coat layer, and supernatant cellular

Plasma. The plasma layer and buffy coat

were transferred to another tube and centrifuged at 3500g for

5 min to achieve 3 ml PRP

Platelets concentration: 3—5 times higher than basal

blood. Storage: at 4°C for1 h. Activation with calcium gluconate in a 1:9 ratio

Timing: random in amenorrheic POI and Day 10 of cycle in oligomenorrheic POI and POR

Technique: Transvaginal ultrasound guided

multifocal intramedullary infusion of 1.5 ml using a 17-gauge single lumen needle into

each ovary under minimal sedation. Most women received a 2nd injection of 3 mL PRP 3

months after the 1st injection (5 POR women received 1 injection only as

spontaneous conception occurred after the 1st injection

Follow up duration was 1 year following 1st

PRP injection

Before and after assessment




Ovarian reserve markers


Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute, Shahid Sadoughi University of

Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran, under Grant Agreement No. 68876

Barad 2022 [21] Single center USA Quasi-experimental

80 extremely low

functional ovarian reserve

54 regular menstruating and 26 oligomenorrhea

Age 44 -54 years,

Previous poor response in previous IVF cycles

(oocytes ≤ 3), FSH > 12 mIU/ml and/or AMH

 < 1.2 ng/ml. Exclusion criteria:

a history of active autoimmune disease, ongoing anticoagulant therapy,

or evidence of infection, blood diseases, thrombocytopenia or cancer

Protocol: Regen Lab PRP Kit (RegenLab America Inc., Montreal, Canada

Volume: 10 ml whole blood drawn into the Regen Lab PRP vacutainer with gel separator and citrate

Centrifugation: Twice. First for 10min at 3800 relative centrifugal force (RCF) and again for 5min at 1500 RCF. This results in platelets pellet on top of the gel and 4—5ml plasma above the gel. The upper plasma removed, and the tube was inverted 25 times to resuspend the platelets in the remaining plasma

Timing: random in amenorrheic POI and Day 3–5 of cycle in others

Technique: Sub-cortical injections of 0.1ml of the PRP were repeated 7 to 12 times per ovary until 1.5 ml had been administered to each ovary using 20-gauge needle under ultrasound guidance

FSH, E2 and follicular growth were monitored every 3 days for 2 weeks then weekly for another 2 weeks then monthly. COH for IVF

was started 1 month after the PRP injection

Before and after assessment

Ovarian reserve markers




intramural funds from The Center for Human

Reproduction and the not-for-profit research Foundation for Reproductive Medicine

Cakiroglu 2020 [22] Single center Turkey Quasi-experimental

311 POI

POI (ESHRE criteria: oligo/amenorrhea for ≥ 4 months, FSH > 25 IU/l on two occasions 4 weeks apart and onset before 40 years of age

Inclusion criteria Age: 24—40 years, Infertility for > 1 year, and having at least one ovary

Exclusion criteria were history of malignancy, genetic ovarian insufficiency, prior major lower abdominal surgery with pelvic adhesions, anticoagulant use for which plasma infusion is contraindicated, and current or previous IgA deficiency

Protocol: T-lab autologous platelet-rich plasma kit (T-Biotechnology Laboratory, Bursa, Turkey)

Volume: 20 mL blood sample

Centrifugation: at 830 g for 8 min. A 16 G needle connected to a 5 ml syringe was rotated into the buffy coat layer

To collect 2–4 cc then a second tube was processed similarly. 4—8 cc PRP was collected and transferred to the resuspension tube and shaken gently for 30 – 60 s

Time: random in amenorrheic POI and within 10 days 1–10 of cycle end in others

Technique: Within 2 h of preparation, PRP injection was performed transvaginally under ultrasound guidance and under sedation anesthesia into at least one ovary into the subcortical and stromal areas using a 35 cm 17 G single lumen needle

Expectant management for 6 weeks to allow spontaneous pregnancy or menses

Before and after assessment



Ovarian reserve markers

No None
Cakiroglu 2022 [23] Single center Turkey Quasi-experimental 510 POR using POSEIDON criteria Inclusion criteria: Age 30 – 45 years, a history of infertility for at least 1 year, and at least one ovary. Exclusion criteria: history of malignancy, prior major lower abdominal surgery resulting in pelvic adhesions, anticoagulant use for which plasma infusion is contraindicated, and current or previous IgA deficiency

Protocol: T-lab autologous platelet-rich plasma kit (T-Biotechnology Laboratory, Bursa, Turkey)

Volume: 20 mL blood sample

Centrifugation: at 830 g for 8 min. A 16 G needle connected to a 5 ml syringe was rotated into the buffy coat layer

To collect 2–4 cc then a second tube was processed similarly. 4—8 cc PRP was collected and transferred to the resuspension tube and shaken gently for 30 – 60 s

Time: within 10 days 1–10 of cycle end in others

Technique: Within 2 h of preparation, PRP injection was performed transvaginally under ultrasound guidance and under sedation anesthesia into at least one ovary into the subcortical and stromal areas using a 35 cm 17 G single lumen needle

Expectant management for 6 weeks to allow spontaneous pregnancy or menses

Before and after assessment



Ovarian reserve markers

NCT04237909 None
Farimani 2021 [24] Single center Iran Retrospective 96 POR using POSEIDON criteria

Inclusion criteria: Any POR attending a single laboratory with

the highest number of cases

Exclusion criteria: Lack of follow-ups and incomplete laboratory


Diseases/disorders affecting the chance of fertility

Protocol: Shanghai protocol

Right after the first follicular puncture, the

intra-ovarian PRP injection (2 ml) was performed under

ultrasound guide followed by the second puncture for the

second stimulation

AMH, LH, E2 and FSH were measured after two menses

Before and after assessment

Ovarian reserve markers

Oocyte retrieved


No None
Melo 2020 [25] Single center Venezuela Prospective controlled, non-randomized comparative study

83 low ovarian reserve

46 received PRP and 37 control

Inclusion criteria:

Age ≥ 38 years Day 3 FSH > 12 mIU/mL

AMH < 0.8 ng/m

normal uterine cavity Exclusion criteria: Previous PID clinical/biochemical hyperandrogenism or polycystic


tubal factor infertility, endometriosis,

known platelet or thromboxane synthesis disorder

known severe male factor

Volume: 5 blood collection tubes containing sodium citrate 3.8% were filled

with 4.5 mL of blood each and centrifuged at 270 g for

10 min, then 100 μL of the platelet-rich

supernatant were transferred from each of 4 of the original

blood tubes and mixed with 0.1 mL of 10% calcium chloride

The blood in the remaining fifth tube was not mixed with calcium chloride to allow for quantification of the total number

of platelets

Timing: between days 7 and 9 of the menstrual cycle


200 μL of PRP were injected into the cortex of each ovary using

a single lumen aspiration needle under

transvaginal ultrasound guidance and sedation. Each ovary was

punctured once only, with the single lumen needle being

inserted into the ovarian cortex superficially, and a total of

200-μL PRP injected into the subcortical area of the ovary

Follow up of all women for 12 months was done

37 no intervention

Ovarian reserve markers



No None
Navali 2022 [26] 2 centers Iran Quasi-experimental 35 POR criteria ( AMH < 1.1 ng/mL, AFC < 5–7, a history of cycle cancellation due to < 3 oocytes retreived

Inclusion criteria: infertile women

Age 30—42 years with at least one ovary and, and willing cooperate. Exclusion criteria: FSH > 25, current or previous IgA deficiency, genital or non-genital cancers, anticoagulants treatment, chromosomal ovarian failure, prior pelvic surgery resulting in pelvic adhesions, anemia, (hemoglobin < 10 g/dl), thrombocytopenia, (platelet count < 10 5/μ)l and did not receive the PRP injection

Protocol: Royagen kit (Co. SN: 312,569, Arya Mabna Tashkis, Iran)

Volume: 20 mL blood sample

Centrifugation: at 830 g for 8 min. A 16 G needle connected to a 5 ml syringe was rotated into the buffy coat layer

To collect 2–4 cc then a second tube was processed similarly. 4—8 cc PRP was collected and transferred to the resuspension tube and shaken gently for 30 – 60 s

Antibiotic administration before oocyte pickup and 1 h before PRP injection


After oocyte pick up about 2 cc of PRP injected into the cortex of both ovaries using a 35 cm 17 G single lumen needle with Doppler monitoring to prevent large vessel injury. After 2 months or 3 menses, patients received a new ovarian stimulation cycle with the same way and dose

Before and after assessment

Ovarian reserve markers

M II oocytes

No Women’s Reproductive Health Research Centre, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (grant number: 65746)
Pacu 2021 [27] 2 centers Romania Retrospective 20 POR POSEIDON criteria

Inclusion criteria:

Age 31—44 years

Exclusion criteria:

Male infertility, endocrine dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, thrombophilia, malignancies, infectious diseases, and a family history of neoplastic diseases

Protocol: EasyPRP kit; Neotec Biotechnology Ltd

Volume: 60–80 venous blood

Platelet count: 250,000–850,000 platelets/μl

Timing: between cycle day 3 and 5

Technique: 2–4 ml PRP at the level of the ovarian parenchyma, the approach of the ovary being at a distance from the vascular pedicle to avoid hemorrhagic accidents under general anaesthesia under ultrasonographic guidance (2 during laparoscpy)

Follow up for 6 months was done

Before and after assessment

Ovarian reserve markers

Cycle performance indicators

No None
Petryk 2020 [28] Single center Ukraine Quasi-experimental 38 low ovarian reserve

Inclusion criteria:

Age: 31–45 years

Infertility with 2 or more failed oocyte recruitment during IVF cycles

Have at least one normal ovary ≥ 1 ml volume

Negative pregnancy test

Exclusion criteria:

significant chronic condition,

cancer, or mental illness

Ovarian or uterine lesions

Volume Two tubes. Each contains 8.5 ml venous blood + 1.5 trisodium citrate with citric acid and dextrose

Centrifugation: at a G-force of 800 for 3 min results in platelet-poor plasma which is then withdrawn into Falcon 15-ml conical centrifuge tubes. Recentrifugation for 15 min at room temperature at a G-force of

1400, the precipitate of platelets was obtained, and then 75% of the upper volume of PPP was withdrawn again. The platelet precipitate was resuspended in the remaining PPP resulting in 2 ml solution

0.7 ml of PRP was injected into each ovary with a concentration of 1,000,000 platelets per microliter (μl) using 25 G needle, 20 cm in length guided by ultrasound (In difficult cases, a laparoscopic-assisted approach was used)

Before and after assessment

Follow up for 12 months was done

No None
Sfakianoudis 2020  [29] Single center Greece Quasi-experimental

120 women

30 POR (Bologna Criteria)

30 POI (Age < 40 years, Amenorrhea for ≥ 4

months, and FSH > 25 IU/L)

30 perimenopase (Age < 40 years and Menstrual cycle irregularities)

30 menopausal (Age 45–55 years, Amenorrhea for ≥ 12 months, and

FSH > 30 IU/L)

Inclusion criteria:

BMI 18.5 – 30 kg/m2

Exclusion criteria:

autoimmune disorders, STDs, infectious diseases,

tubal factor infertility, chronic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, chronic

endometritis, and endocrine disorders such as thyroid dysfunction, hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, previous reproductive tract surgeries, anemia, thrombophilia, current cancer or a

medical history of familiar cancer and abnormal


Protocol: a RegenACR®-C Kit (Regen Laboratory, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland)

PRP was prepared earlier on the day of administration. 60 mL of the patient’s peripheral blood was required in order to yield the required volume of PRP

Platelet count 1,000,000 platelets/ µL

Intramedullary injected on multiple sites in both ovaries with the patient under inhaled minimal sedation. The technique included penetration across the central part of each ovary respectively, gradual infusion of 4 mL of activated PRP, via a 17-gauge single lumen needle attached to the transvaginal probe transducer

Timing: random in amenorrheic POI and menopausal and Day 3 of cycle in POR and perimenopausal women. Immediately in women not receiving HR and stop HR for 6 months for women receiving HR

Follow up for 3 months was done

Before and after assessment

Ovarian reserve markers

Spontaneous pregnancy

No None
Sills 2020 [30] Single center USA Quasi-experimental 182 POR

Inclusion criteria:

had at least one ovary, infertility of > 1yr duration, at least one prior failed (or canceled) IVF cycle, or amenorrhea for at least three months

Exclusion criteria:

ongoing pregnancy, current or previous IgA deficiency, chromosomal ovarian insufficiency, prior major lower abdominal surgery resulting in pelvic adhesions, anticoagulant use for which plasma infusion is contraindicated, psychiatric disorder ongoing malignancy, or chronic pelvic pain

Volume: 8–10 mL whole blood was collected by peripheral venipuncture

Centrifugation: 1500g × 5 min

Processed blood was then fractionated, and erythrocytes were trapped beneath while lower density components settled atop the separator gel. Less than 3 mL of supernatant (corresponding to relatively platelet-poor plasma fraction) was then aspirated off the top of each column before recapping the vial for gentle tube inversion/resuspension

PRP activation was achieved with calcium gluconate

10cc syringes were used to divide activated PRP samples into two equal portions and maintained at room temperature, then attached to a 35cm single lumen 19G needle assembly (Rocket Medical; Washington, UK). The injection apparatus was modified for office PRP administration by bypassing the Falcon tube collection port to allow direct injection into ovarian stroma under transvaginal ultrasound guidance. The ovaries were aligned with the needle guide to avoid intervening vascular or other structures and the needle was quickly advanced without rotation deep into the central ovary. Once tip placement was confirmed, activated substrate was slowly introduced as the needle was withdrawn across the previously traversed ovarian cortex. The final ~ 1mL of sample was deposited just under the ovarian capsule

Before and after assessment

Follow up for 3 months was done

Ovarian reserve markers NCT03178695 None
Stojkovska 2019 [31] Single center Macedonia Pilot comparative study

40 POR (ESHRE criteria)

20 PRP

20 control

Inclusion criteria:

Age 53–42 years

Normal semen analysis

IVF completed with ET

Exclusion criteria:

Genetic or chromosomal ovarian insufficiency, immunoglobulin A deficiency, large surgical repairs of pelvic floor with severe pelvic adhesions, the use of anticoagulants, psychotropic medicaments, psychiatric disorders, carcinomas or a history of chronic pelvic pain, present infection, haemoglobin < 11 g/L or platelets < 150 × 103/μL

Protocol: Regen PRP, (Regen Laboratory, Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland)

Under strict aseptic conditions and optimum temperature regulations (21–24°C), PRP was prepared according to the manufacturer’s guidelines

The volume immediately above the erythrocyte layer was collected. Calcium gluconate was used as an activator. After activation, in a period less than 2 min, approximately 3–5 ml of the PRP was injected into the ovaries under transvaginal ultrasound guidance 30 cm single lumen 17G aspiration needles under propofol intravenous anaesthesia 20 POR no intervention





No None
Tandulwadkar 2020 [32] Single center India Quasi-experimental 20 POR POSEIDON Group 3 and 4 (AFC < 5 and AMH < 1.1 ng/ml)

Inclusion criteria:

Age 20–45 years

Normal karyotype

Normal semen parameters

Exclusion criteria:

Autoimmune diseases

POI due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy

Active viral infections

20 ml of peripheral blood in the heparinized

syringe was taken and 2 ml of PRP was prepared after

double centrifugation. This was mixed with 16 ml of


Intraovarian instillation under general anesthesia of 6 ml (in younger patients with good volume of ovaries) or 4 ml (in women with inadequate ovarian volume) of ABMDSC’s per ovary at multiple sites along the

long axis of the ovary starting from caudal end and continued by withdrawing the specially designed needle up to the cranial end into the main stroma. Injection was done under ultrasonographic guidance in 8 women and laparoscopically in 12 women

Before and after assessment

All patients were followed up weekly for 6 weeks then underwent COS

using minilong agonist protocol,

Ovarian reserve markers No None
Tulik 2022 [33] Single center Turkey Retrospective

71 women

50 POR

(Bologna criteria 2 or more of age > 40 years; poor ovarian response in previous IVF cycles (≤ 3 oocytes retrieved; and abnormal ovarian reserve tests

21 POI

ESHRE criteria at least 4 months of amenorrhea, FSH > 25 U/L and age < 40 years

Inclusion criteria:

BMI 18–30 kg/m2

Exclusion criteria:

endocrine disorders (thyroid dysfunction, hyperprolactinemia, diabetes mellitus, Addison disease, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing syndrome); corrected or present uterine anomalies; and azoospermia

Protocol: T-Biotechnology, Bursa, Turkey

20 mL of blood is collected from each patient into two tubes. Tubes are centrifuged at 1500 g for eight minutes. Approximately 2 mL of plasma is gathered above the newly formed buffy coat layer from each tube through a 16 G needle into a 5 mL syringe. Plasma obtained from the tubes is transferred into a single re-suspension tube and gently agitated for 30–60 s to prepare the PRP solution for use

A total of 4 mL of PRP solution was obtained per patient and divided into two equal portions to inject into each ovary. Patients were sedated for ovarian injection. The procedure was carried on with a 35 cm long 17 G needle under transvaginal ultrasound guidance. 2 mL of solution was injected into the stromal region of each ovary within two hours of PRP preparation

Before and after assessment

AFC, menstrual pattern, and serum hormones were

assessed monthly for at least 6 months

Cycle performance indicators (FR,IR,CPR,LBR, cancellation rate, no oocytes) No None

CPR Clinical pregnancy rate, ChPR Chemical pregnancy rate, LBR Live birth rate