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. 2024 Jan 11;341:199308. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2024.199308

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Relationship among HCVpps based on neutralization sensitivity. (A) Principal component analysis (PCA) of HCVpps based on neutralization IC50 values. First two principal components (PC1 and PC2) are plotted and percentage of variation captured by each PC is indicated in brackets. HCVpps from cluster 1 and 2 are colored in gray and orange, respectively. HCVpps selected for the final panel are in bigger circles compared to the non-selected HCVpps. (B) Loading bar plots from the PCA loadings of the mAbs for PC1 and PC2. (C) Serum pool ID50 values against the selected HCVpps. HCVpps are arranged from most sensitive to most resistant based on the mAb sensitivity (Fig. 1). (D) Correlation between the serum pool ID50 values and mAbs geometric titer (GMT) against the different HCVpps are shown.