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. 2023 Mar 2;31(2):219–236. doi: 10.1177/10731911231158623

Table 2.

Overview of Dimensionality Assessment Results.

Measure CFA EGA Bifactor indices Unidimensionality conclusion Reliability
BPNSFS-A L1 Two factors ECV=.65, PUC=.53 α = .71 ω = .74
TEIQue-ASF-ER L3 Two factors ECV=.45, PUC=.60 a α = .63 ω = .64
DWLS: CFI=.985, RMSEA=.095, SRMR=.06
Unidimensional NA + α = .88 ω = .88
EPOCH-O L0 Unidimensional NA + α = .81 ω = .81
PANAS-C-PA L0/L1 Unidimensional NA + α = .92 ω = .92
SWEMWBS L0 Unidimensional NA + α = .86 ω = .86
RSS L1 Unidimensional NA + α = .91 ω = .91
PSS-4 b ML fit: CFI=.571, RMSEA=.321, SRMR=.157 c Two factors ECV=.24, PUC=.67 α = .57 ω = .61

Note. CFA = confirmatory factor analysis; EGA = exploratory graph analysis; BPNSFS-A = Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale; ECV = explained common variance; PUC = percentage of uncontaminated correlations; M&MF-I = Me and My Feelings scale; DWLS = diagonally weighted least squares; DCFA = dynamic confirmatory factor anlaysis; CFI = comparative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual; TEIQue-ASF-ER = Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Adolescent Short Form; EPOCH-O = Engagement Perseverance Optimism Connectedness Happiness; PANAS-C-PA = PANAS-C positive affect subscale; SWEMWBS = Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale; RSS = Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; PSS-4 = Perceived Stress Scale; L0 = no misspecification; L1 = Level-one misspecification; L2 = Level-two misspecification; L3 = Level-three misspecification.


A six-item bifactor model with three items per specific factor is not identified, so one lambda estimate from an unidentified run was used to identify the model as recommended (Muthén & Muthén, 2021). b For both the unidimensional and bifactor PSS-4 models, a Heywood case (negative residual variance) was found for the second item. This was fixed to 0. c Serious problems with the unidimensional model for PSS-4 meant further testing was not appropriate or possible.