Extended Data Fig. 7. Impact of ALT or GOT2 silencing on osteoclastogenesis and effect of PHGDH deletion on TCA cycle intermediates.
a Psat1 (shPSAT1: P = 0.007; shALT: P < 0.0001; shGOT2: P = 0.007), Gpt (encoding for ALT; shPSAT1: P = 0.020; shALT: P < 0.0001; shGOT2: P = 0.0007) and Got2 (shALT: P = 0.0094; shGOT2: P = 0.0004) mRNA levels in osteoclasts transduced with a lentivirus carrying an empty vector (control) or a shRNA against PSAT1, ALT or GOT2 (n = 4; one-way ANOVA with #p < 0.05 vs control). b Intracellular αKG levels in osteoclasts after shRNA-mediated silencing of ALT or GOT2 (n = 3). c, d TRAP staining (c) and quantification of TRAP+ MNCs after shRNA-mediated silencing of ALT or GOT2 (d) (n = 4 biologically independent samples). Scale bar is 50 µm. e Intracellular citrate (Cit), succinate (Suc), fumarate (Fum) and malate (Mal) levels in osteoclasts from Phgdhoc+ and Phgdhoc- mice (n = 4; unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test). Data are means ± s.d.