Table 2.
Correlation between FC strength and electrophysiological index in patients with DCM.
Electrophysiological index | Seeds/Sources | Region | Cluster size | P value | T value | x | y | z |
R CMCT | L primary motor cortex (BA 4) | n.s | ||||||
L CMCT | R primary motor cortex (BA 4) | Precneous | 830 | 0.0016 | 4.94 | 4 | − 66 | 22 |
R SEP amplitude | L primary somatosensory cortex (BA 1, 2, 3) | n.s | ||||||
L thalamaus | L precentral gyrus | 249 | 0.0037 | 5.74 | − 34 | 0 | 40 | |
L lateral part of sensorimotor network | n.s | |||||||
L SEP amplitude | R primary somatosensory cortex (BA 1, 2, 3) | n.s | ||||||
R thalamaus | n.s | |||||||
R lateral part of sensorimotor network | R lateral occipital cortex | 301 | 0.0006 | − 5.2 | 44 | − 70 | − 16 | |
Cingulate gyrus anterior division | 149 | 0.0056 | 5.34 | 4 | 4 | 42 |
x, y, and z represent the local maximum in a cluster in the MNI coordinate. T value is the t value of a local maximum.
Cluster-level threshold was p < 0.05 (false discovery rate corrected). Bonferroni correction was further applied to the cluster-level threshold (p < 0.00625).
FC functional connectivity, DCM degenerative cervical myelopathy, CMCT central motor conduction time, SEP somatosensory evoked potential, R right, L left, BA Brodmann area.