Fig. 8.
Differential expression of proteins among FA and FU pairs. A Heat map of the 35 significantly differentially expressed protein in the clinical phenotypes identified using isobaric labeling-based on quantitative proteomics. The columns represent the proteins and the rows the clinical phenotypes, A (Asymptomatic), U (Uninfected) and F (Febrile from Asymptomatic [FA] and Uninfected [FU]). B Protein–protein interaction network analysis using STRING database. Proteins are shown as nodes, and the color of each link is based on the type of evidence available for the interaction between two proteins (e.g., purple- experimental, light blue – homology, blue – coocccurence, black – coexpression, purple – experimental, green – text mining). C Gene ontology analysis in STRING database. Strength is a measure of the enrichment effect while FDR is the adjusted P-value after correcting for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg