Pharmacological suppression of TCTP using buclizine and its effects on regeneration: A–D represents control worm (1X PBS), 140 µg buclizine, 160 µg buclizine, and 200 µg buclizine injected worms respectively following day-1 of post-amputation. E–H represents the 4th day post amputated worms correspondingly from the control worm (1X PBS), 140 µg buclizine, 160 µg buclizine, and 200 µg buclizine injected worms. In all the buclizine-injected worms, the regenerative bud size is hindered. Similarly, I-L represents the 6th day regenerative bud from the control worm, 140 µg buclizine, 160 µg buclizine, and 200 µg buclizine-injected worms, respectively. In all the buclizine-injected worms, regeneration is 1/4th reduced. M. Western blotting image represents TCTP (19 kDa) and β-actin (42 kDa) expression in 3rd day control regenerating worm, 3rd day buclizine injected regenerating worm, 5th day control regenerating worm and in 5th day buclizine injected regenerating worms respectively. N. graphical representation of Western blotting results shows the fold difference of TCTP and the expression of β-actin in control regenerating worms and the 5th day buclizine injected regenerating worms. O. Stereo chemical validation of predicted L. rubellus TCTP protein using Ramachandran plot. P. Evaluation of L. rubellus TCTP protein for unbounded atomic interactions by ERRAT server. Q. In-silico prediction of molecular-level interaction between Buclizine and TCTP protein