The images show a room's eye view (A); target definitions for the largest lesion (#1) (B); dose-volume histograms of the largest lesion (C); and representative dose distributions superimposed onto CE T1-WIs (D-J); sagittal views (B, D); and axial views (E-J).
(A) The light blue lines indicate the directions of 215 beams. (C) 27 Gy corresponds to 53% IDS relative to the maximum dose (100%). (D-J) The cumulative BED10s (BED2s) of WBRT and SRS doses of 36 Gy and 16 Gy are 100.9 Gy (240.6 Gy) and 60.1 Gy (116.6 Gy), respectively.
GTV: gross tumor volume; GTV+3 mm: GTV plus an isotropic 3-mm margin; D95%: a minimum dose covering at least 95% of the target volume; IDS: isodose surface; CE: contrast-enhanced; WIs: weighted images; BED10/2: a biologically effective dose based on the linear-quadratic formula with an alpha/beta ratio of 10/2