5xFADxTg30 model has alterations in fear/anxiety behavior
(A and B) Duration of time spent in the center of a large open field at ages 3 months, (C and D) 6 months, (E and F) 7 months, (G and H) and 8 months in male and female mice. Animals had 10 min in the arena lit with bright lights, corners and center of arena tracked. Male mice, n = 7–10 per group, female mice, n = 6–10 per group.
(I and J) Duration of time spent in the novel arm of a Y-maze at ages 3 months, (K and L) 4 months, (M and N) 5 months, (O and P) 6 months, (Q and R) 7 months and (S and T) 8 months in male and female mice. Animals had 10 min familiarization, before a 5-min trial, 2 h later. No significant differences between genotypes. Male mice, n = 7–9 per group, Female mice, n = 6–10 per group. T-test analysis, ∗p < 0.05 for genotype effect. Data represents mean ± SEM.